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whats-reddit17 t1_iwuj2wn wrote

Wtf. I'm curious how that goes over with your Dr. Also did you notice right away. (Mid session pain) or what? You dont have to answer but I am curious as I didn't know this was a thing either


Shadoxal t1_iwuxdnp wrote

It was mid session for sure, and I felt it as soon as it happened. It felt like I sliced my clit off it hurt so bad.

I've honestly never mentioned it to my Dr. I do mention it to partners because if they suck on my clit too hard it can hurt. I forgot to mention it to someone I was hooking up with and the gland popped out and he stopped and looked up at me terrified but I was fine so he like slowly went back to it 🤣🤣

I've learned recently that apparently some women do this on purpose as a body mod 🤯.

I don't mind answering cause it should definitely be talked about. I've looked into it now that I'm older and I've found threads on other websites of girls going through the same thing and nobody ever knew it was a possibility, and are scared after the fact. I know I was. I never brought it up to my mother either.