Submitted by SubstantialEnding t3_z5cwz5 in tifu

Me (22M) and my girlfriend (23F) moved in together around 6 months ago, and we sleep in the same bed every night. She is the most perfect, kindest girlfriend I could ever ask for. But, I have a raging foot fetish. I was so scared she would see it as weird. So instead of telling her about it, I satisfy myself by licking her feet every night while she's sleeping. Well, this morning I fucked up, because at around 2 am, I got the idea to urinate on her foot. And it fucking woke her up. She's now talking about moving back in with her parents and taking a break.

She really was the girl of my dreams and I wanted to marry her. We would still be together if I licked her foot like a normal person. She also told some of her friends about it, and some of them messaged me to call me a perv. My girlfriend changed my name in her phone to Pee Pee the Clown. I feel like my whole life is over.

TLDR: I might lose my dream girl because I let me golden rain let loose on her foot



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DizaleYo t1_ixvav45 wrote

My wife says you deserve it.


FallenAngelII t1_ixvba0i wrote

Sure, Jan. How do you even know what your girlfriend changed your contact name to? Did she tell you for no reason whatsoever?


FA-1800 t1_ixvbuy4 wrote

This is why it pays to share such things BEFORE you act on them.   Wanting to kiss her feet is something most women can get used to with the right guy,  even if it's not particularly their thing.  Finding out about by waking up to you taking a leak on her is bad juju... if she wasn't going to be able to live with your desires, better to settle it now before you've invested years of your lives and THEN break up. Not that there is anything wrong with a little foot worship.


[deleted] t1_ixvcbxq wrote

Fr op fucked up by not beinf honest. If she cared she wouldnt have seen it as weird, and you wouldnt have taken it to that next level. Licking her feet nonconsensually to please yourself really is akin if not absolutely molestation.


Acrobatic-Panda-1119 t1_ixveyg4 wrote

“We would still be together if I licked her foot like a normal person”



TheLa- t1_ixvfs1b wrote

“lick her foot like a normal person”, interesting 🤨


Icy_Engine_7648 t1_ixvg3j6 wrote

It's appalling she would share personal details. Consider yourself lucky to have escaped that relationship


Specialist-Fox-244 t1_ixvgahf wrote

eating while reading this probably wasn't the best idea I had today.


metalmorian t1_ixvhuz4 wrote

Practicing a kink or a fetish on someone else without their explicit, ongoing consent, is sexual assault. You fucked up from the start, by regularly sexually assaulting her.

You need therapy, to learn not to sexually assault people. You need to be absolutely single, not even casual hook ups, until you learn to apply consent even if you don't want to apply consent.

You fucked up because you sexually assaulted her. You lost your girlfriend because you sexually assaulted her.


Lost_Being_3774 t1_ixvsvkp wrote

My dude, you used her body for sexual gratification without her knowledge or consent. With your logic, I should be able to lick any part of your body I want while you sleep without there being a problem because it's just spit and spit is natural.


Calm-Pause3527 t1_ixvuice wrote

You're actually disgusting.

Not for having a fetish. Or multiple fetishes.

For practicing those fetishes on your UNCONSCIOUS, SLEEPING GIRLFRIEND and then acting like it wasn't that bad. You practiced sexually arousing acts on your un-consenting, sleeping girlfriend for your own pleasure. Because you were too chicken to tell her you like feet? That's beyond gross. That's sexual assault.

You absolutely deserve all of it. Go get some therapy and do some soul searching.


gobledegerkin t1_ixw0wf8 wrote

I don’t know if I believe this is even true. If it is then OP “it was just piss” and “piss is natural” is clearly not working, I hope you can see that. I know its hard not to get defensive when people are calling you out but you have to reflect on what people are saying. You were sexually assaulting your girlfriend.

Fetish or not, what you did is wrong. “Natural” or not what you did is wrong. You’re still young so you have an opportunity to learn and grow from this situation. Try to do that instead of being obtuse.


FunStorm6487 t1_ixw3duw wrote

What is being overlooked in all his nastiness, is HE PISSED ON THE BEd


Capital_Potato751 t1_ixw4ozi wrote

OOPs Piss is Natural response to many of these comments has me dying. Bruh you nasty.


Dgeneratecow t1_ixw69my wrote

I'm an atheist but sounds like you need some Jesus


BottleFree8053 t1_ixwa6ee wrote

Yeah. You’re not smart.

Like I don’t understand how you think anything you did was normal.


Assholejack89 t1_ixwp2ut wrote

I'm fucking dying at "pee pee the clown" lmfao.

Seriously tho, and assuming this is not just karma farming, what were you expecting would happen once she realized you pissed on her feet? You thought she wouldn't notice the smell? Or were you planning on licking her piss-soaked feet as well?


BlondieLHV t1_ixwwb2n wrote

What if I forced you to eat dog shit while stubbing cigarettes on your balls because "iT's mY kInK". You're a selfish pos and a sexual abuser (she was asleep and could not consent) you need to get your shit together and get therapy before you assault someone else. I hope she leaves and presses charges.


Known-Salamander9111 t1_ixwwjs1 wrote

Goddamn OP. Stop, STOP talking about piss, or feet, or anything except the actual problem here. Consent. You did not have consent.


Fullscan19 t1_ixx0nxb wrote

Upvoted for being hilarious

Learned a lesson, thankfully at a young age

Do not piss on your next partner without their consent


SethMalcolm1 t1_ixx3f8s wrote

> We would still be together if I licked her foot like a normal person

Sorry to tell you, but thats not a thing normal people do.


SethMalcolm1 t1_ixx3ufi wrote

"Piss is natural" yeah ik thats what ur going to respond, please stop. You commited sexual assault. "it was just piss" ok? your point? You could say that for literally anything. "It was just a handjob" "It was just oral" "it was just cum"

You used her for sexual gratification without her consent. it was sexual assault.


Diligent-Ad6365 t1_ixx93gr wrote

Omg. Dude. Get yourself some therapy. Not for your kink, because, whatever on that. There are loads of people who are into feet, loads who are into urine, pornhub can confirm. The issue isn’t that you’re into feet. The issue isn’t that you’re into golden showers. For every kink out there, there are people who are more than receptive. The issue, which you are being willfully obtuse about, is that you did NOT have clear and enthusiastic consent. Period. You do NOT get to touch ANYONE without their expressed consent, ever. You don’t get to fulfill your sexual fantasies without the other person being fully onboard with it. What you did was sexual assault. You can continue with your ‘piss is natural’ until your fingers fall off from typing it. You did a thing, that you and only you, received gratification from. Your (ex)girlfriend feels rightfully violated. Until you can seek therapy, in order to fully understand boundaries and consent, never be in a relationship. Actually, just stay away from all persons who have the potential to be a sex partner, because, as of the moment, you’re incapable of understanding what consent means.


Outrageous_Lime_9746 t1_ixxhbqj wrote

If anyone wants to be violently sick in their mouth, check OP’s post history. Multiple posts in foot fetish reddits saying he wants to piss on people’s feet. He has no remorse. Disgusting.


a-default-icon t1_ixxhr7q wrote

Y'all this is low quality bait quit giving OP attention


LiteralThrowaway_ t1_ixxkvjf wrote

this is peak reddit; pack it up boys, we're making it out the hood tonight


Maple_Person t1_ixxn70b wrote

If a random man ran up and pissed on your leg, is that not assault? Nothing’s wrong because it’s just piss?

If you do a sexual act (satisfying your foot fetish) without permission, that is assault.


Cinder_zella t1_ixxnmcn wrote

My boyfriend would like to know - how tf did you think you would get away w this?!? Piss in a mattress ain’t coming out easy


Master-Cricket9906 t1_ixxt19s wrote

Hahahahaha I'm sorry I can't stop laughing. With the headline, I thought you were peeing on her foot in the shower hahahahaha. This has got to be a joke? Right? My mind is boggling, did you have a towel and plastic down under her feet before you pee'd? Or did you just piss all over her feet and the sheets and blankets and the fucking mattress??? Fucked as it sounds, I need more info, did you slip a plastic bag under her feet, several towels? Did you lick her feet after you pee'd? Your pee would've been body temperature so she shouldn't have felt a difference in temperature on her foot. Did she hear the splash back??????


andywalker76 t1_ixygk4p wrote

OP, you should have been honest in the first place. Non-consensual sexual acts are technically assault and she's probably more angry about your lack of honesty than any issue with the fetish. That aside, you can't force her to like pee play or foot fetish and if she isn't into either, then you have to choose between love and lust.


fish-keeper69 t1_ixymkua wrote

"If I licked her foot like a normal person"


Bumblebee-Feeling t1_ixz9jsa wrote

You thought pissing on someone's foot while they were sleeping was a good idea? Were you high?


BadKarma667 t1_ixzfnl0 wrote

Hey it's Pee Pee the Clown! Nice going! Licking her feet without her consent nightly was bad enough, but you had to escalate. Her friends are right... You did this to yourself Pee Pee!


Fearless_Mirror_5156 t1_ixzgbbe wrote

bro u sexually assaulted her. stop with ur its just piss comments, it could be just filtered water for all anyone fucking cares, u still committed an act of ASSAULT. i hope she dumps ur ass and i hope u learn to not to be this way to any girlfriend in the future, for their sake. ur a disgusting human being.