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Justanotherolreddit t1_ixo7eok wrote

Yeah you officially fucked up. Your threw you’re only chance at getting help out the window and flipped it off on its way out. You also probably fucked you’re relationship with you’re mom up as well. TL;DR You indeed fucked up.

Edit: Yes I know his mom isn’t going to straight up stop loving him because of what he did, I’m just saying he hurt their relationship in a way that is going to take time to mend.


AnonoMussChick t1_ixotc0x wrote

What a shitty thing to say to someone with depression! Way to dramatize the whole thing. This person is 16; I’m sure it’s not over between them and their mother.


Pulacascar t1_ixpm0ik wrote

Let’s not be hyperbolic here. I doubt that the relationship is over. Any parent knows that, no matter how much your child hurts you, you always love them unconditionally. Especially since kids hurt their parents all the time, it’s inevitable.

I also doubt that he threw his only chance at getting help. I’m pretty sure his mother would help him get help in a heartbeat if he asked.


Benji998 t1_ixq6ifh wrote

Exactly, his mum being upset for a day isn't like life is over far out lol. Willing to bet mum will have a good sleep and feel better in the morning. I do agree OP should do something about it though.