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Send_Your_Noods_plz t1_iw5hmji wrote

You couldn't have handled it better. There's no winning with those people. If you send the money they'll just try and extort you again.

Chances are they won't send them, but even if they do you're the victim here, if your family or friends get your nudes just say you were blackmailed or scammed and it wasn't worth the money to try and stop them. If they still badger you... well they're the ones who decided to keep looking or bring it up


TIFUweggooiaccountje OP t1_iw5j160 wrote

That's exactly what I thought when this happened. Even if they ended up sending it to people I'm the victim. And like I said I don't really care. Sexting, sending nudes to other people isn't something we should be ashamed of. A lot of people do it. So who cares. And if people did get it and start talking about it it's ultimately their problem not mine.

I think it's important to share this story because of this reason. because sending money probably ends up just like you said.