Submitted by [deleted] t3_z86ngx in tifu

Throwaway for obvious reasons***

A few months ago I was visiting an old friend who i hadn’t seen in years and he throws me a party with a bunch of old college friends. Heavy drinking takes place. I’m about to crash on the couch when this very drunk girl comes up and says, “You sleeping here?” Pointing to the couch. I tell her yes to which she responds, “Great I’m sleeping with you.” Proceeds to climb on top and make out with me. Things are pretty great cause I didn’t expect this to happen or who this girl was in the slightest. To cut out all the build up we do the deed and have a fun time, and end up finishing inside of her. We fall asleep and I wake up with her on the couch beside me and I get up to clean up and get dressed. I make some coffee and my friend walks in, before I mention my lucky night he comments on the girl passed out on the couch. “She must’ve been so drunk she couldn’t find her way to my room.” And proceeds to tell me that she is his new gf, and she must have been late to the party. I stay quite and say nothing and go about my guilt filled day. When she wakes up and I get a proper introduction, she doesn’t recall last night.

I got a call from my friend that she is pregnant and they’re going to get married in the Spring next year. He wants me to be his best man, and I just said yes… I can’t believe this total PornHub BS story, I am fucking ashamed.

TL;DR Came in my friends GF, she is pregnant and I’m his best man



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Waychill83 t1_iya1otn wrote

So you gonna watch him raise your kid and fuck your baby momma?


IGotTheGuns t1_iya5548 wrote

That would be my plan, yes.


Waychill83 t1_iyb6uv2 wrote

Well then you clearly ain't "got the guns"...


IGotTheGuns t1_iyb7hno wrote

Gotta let them put in the effort until he’s ready to join the children army.


humboldt77 t1_iya56ez wrote

Geez… if that’s legit, and I hate to give this advice, say nothing. If you say something, you’ll absolutely be ruining his relationship, your friendship, etc. It MIGHT come out in the future, but you could just as easily say you don’t remember anything either - you were drinking heavily too. I hate giving really unethical advice but this honestly sounds like one of those rare situations where letting sleeping dogs lie might be the best thing for everyone.


ZirePhiinix t1_iycnu3b wrote

OP needs to drink so much that even he forgets what happened.


cannabis_breath t1_iya295d wrote

Tell your friend ASAP! Waiting is just going to make it worse. Be honest about how it was a mistake for everyone involved. Alcohol is a bitch.


[deleted] OP t1_iya41iq wrote

But I could ruin our friendship, his marriage, and what if she claims I raped her. I’m fucking terrified


cannabis_breath t1_iya709u wrote

Give your friend an opportunity to forgive you. Frame it as a mistake which it was. Connect with the woman b4 get written /recorded consent that it wasn’t rape by talking about how drunk you all were etc etc.

Or just live with the fact that your buddy is raising your child lol.

Sowed seeds and all that.


JimmiRustle t1_iya5c2k wrote

Oh because a friendship based on lies is so effin great. I’d get that off my chest so fast.

She can claim that but it’s pretty fucking hard if she doesn’t remember and you’re the one to be up front about it first.


Useful_Experience423 t1_iyacrmz wrote

I think you need to come clean with your friend. I know it’s scary, but do you have any idea how soul-crushed he’ll be when he finds out what kind of woman he’s with, that his kid might not be his - or yours! - and you, his friend, just turned the other way and let him live in a house of cards raising possibly your kid?

Do the right thing and come clean. I really don’t think you could be prosecuted for rape. She doesn’t remember (or lied and said that) and there’s no evidence. Even if the baby is yours it’s not indicative of rape, just sex.