Submitted by OccasionPristine2056 t3_z2yx0s in tifu

This is gonna be a long one people, saddle up. So, my(21m) English professor, let's call her M, from college asks me to teach her daughter(16m), let's call her S, English. There's a lot to the story where bullshit is a mild word for the description, like a couple weeks ago, it was M's birthday and she posted a story of a cake with the caption..."thank you so much my lovely brother for the TESTY cake."

Now i live in a place where people don't know how to speak English properly, i on the other hand have made it one of my topmost priorities to not look like a dumbass whole I'm talking in English and continue to master it every day.

M came to our college at the very last semester of my degree and saw that i was good at English, of course she did because half the fucking time she didn't know what the fuck i was speaking because according to her "Issac" is pronounced "eesaak". I corrected her MULTIPLE times on this and all the times her reply was "i know there is a name Issac, but in this chapter they pronounce it as eesaak." I understood right there that this bitch doesn't even read the chapter, she watches YouTube videos of other people explaining that chapter and gives us the half ass lecture, with little to no insight of her own.

So onto out situation here, she asks me to teach her daughter how to speak English, she could very easily a write and read stuff, but there were obvious problems like she couldn't read and absorb at the same time, she can't read very fast etc, so i say what the hell, i get to pass my wisdom onto someone.

She then puts me through to S, and she's a 16 year old. And while I'm trying to sound as normal as possible so that she could understand me, all she is replying yes sir, ok sir and shit like that, the situation was dire.

So then i started teaching her with some ways i got better myself with for a couple weeks and then she started blowing classes off because of her exams or she had to go out or some other bullshit, i couldn't care less because i had my own exams to worry about.

Couple months go by without any classes. And all of a sudden i get a text from M saying that S has stopped coming to the meetings (S lived in a different state, we did the classes over the internet,) i tell her that S got busy or probably wasn't interested at all and i had my own stuff to worry about, she then says that she would tell her daughter to start the classes again.

So then a couple days go by and she attends the class, i thought should initiate the subject of her interest so that she may be a little less nervous and would wanna speak up. So i talk for an hour by myself as she says yes sir and ok sir. I then understood this girl doesn't wanna be helped, or at least not right now.

Then M Shares D's snapchat as i couldn't contact her on her birthday (she insisted, even though i was hesitant). So i wish her a happy birthday and we talk for about 5 mins before she says she has a crush on me.

Now I'm a fair 7-8 maybe, and i could see why what happened happened, but i really didn't know what to do at that point so i kept her at bay.

But then the snapchat messages began, now i wanna be honest here, this girl is very pretty and quite beautiful, but she has NO idea how normal dating is done. To her it was as if i say yes to her and we get married within 2 years happily forver and after. No, I have serious commitment issues, maybe because I'm 21 and I'm not looking for anything that serious yet and even if i was, hello, she's 16.

We kept talking on a regular basis because i couldn't just cut her out because of M, and she might ask me what happened and why am I not responding to her daughter. And also she is a nice kid, completely deranged on general concepts, but still a nice kid.

Every now and then we talk she slips in messages like love you and babe and stuff that would be flirty or over the top crazy. But i kept batting every one of those away because i was a hundred percent sure that i don't wanna get involved in any of this for multiple reasons. I kept telling her that there's no meaning in waiting for me, get over her crush and move on with someone else, maybe if she ever comes to the city I would consider it, but not now under these circumstances. I regularly asked which boy has a crush on her in her school and maybe she should try something with them etc etc. After a month of talking, she is a good friend of mine, i actually care about her, i tell her how things are supposed to be and what you should expect from different relationships and stuff like that. I really do care about her with no romantic feelings whatsoever.

I should've mentioned earlier that she doesn't understand while talking virtually there are things that can be misconstrued for different meanings unless there are emojis or something to give off what is the time of the sentence.

So by this point whenever i shoot her down or remind her that I'm not her boyfriend and she shouldn't expect anything, she gets mean.... And i mean 9th grader popular girl mean, and throws some stupid fit over something she already knows is not gonna work. And comes back by Apologising literally under 3 minutes.

Now i et it go a couple times before because of the crush and how it must be hard for her, but today she actually managed me to piss me off.

She says she doesn't wanna the puppy who follows me and waits around for me and she's over my crush,(relief)..... Then she says i should leave her alone and let her do whatever she wants, i was pissed instantaneously.

I kept warding off this bitch, for her own good, i puy her safety first because that's what any responsible man would do, and i was a good friend to her, and she was a part of my life too, i too found a good friend in her, and she just decides all of a sudden that she doesn't have a crush on me so i shouldn't even be her friend?

I went ballistic, then told her sure have it's your way, I'm leaving you alone, not after 2 mins i get her text, so what are you doing.

Now i dont know how some people would react but i again blasted her with every rude comment i showed her every conversation where she was rude to me where it wasn't even my fault and the many times i let it slide, and then the drama started again, she's sorry, 20 stickers in a row. Now all I'm thinking is why couldn't have i just said i am busy, it would've been so much easier. So fucking easier.

I have successfully ignored her through these hours and I will be clear about my intentions from now on if she decides to act civil.

This has taken quite a poll on me emotionally, maybe because my exams are in a couple days or idk. I just had to blow off some steam so i came here. Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.

Tl;dr- Fucked up by accepting to teach my professor's daughter English and she ended up by crushing on me.



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Devittraisedto2 t1_ixiz4sn wrote

>So by this point whenever i shoot her down or remind her that I'm not her boyfriend and she shouldn't expect anything, she gets mean.... And i mean 9th grader popular girl mean, and throws some stupid fit over something she already knows is not gonna work. And comes back by Apologising literally under 3 minutes.

>Now i et it go a couple times before because of the crush and how it must be hard for her, but today she actually managed me to piss me off.

>She says she doesn't wanna the puppy who follows me and waits around for me and she's over my crush,(relief)..... Then she says i should leave her alone and let her do whatever she wants, i was pissed instantaneously.

>I kept warding off this bitch, for her own good, i puy her safety first because that's what any responsible man would do, and i was a good friend to her, and she was a part of my life too, i too found a good friend in her, and she just decides all of a sudden that she doesn't have a crush on me so i shouldn't even be her friend?

>I went ballistic, then told her sure have it's your way, I'm leaving you alone, not after 2 mins i get her text, so what are you doing.

>Now i dont know how some people would react but i again blasted her with every rude comment i showed her every conversation where she was rude to me where it wasn't even my fault and the many times i let it slide, and then the drama started again, she's sorry, 20 stickers in a row. Now all I'm thinking is why couldn't have i just said i am busy, it would've been so much easier. So fucking easier.

This entire part is fucked up

You should've been more mature on your part because you're the older one. She's 16, and you're 21 and yet you're acting just as immature as her. The fuck up here isn't that you taught your professor's daughter English, it's this one.

You could've avoided all of this by informing her father that she's in love with you and it makes you uncomfortable


OccasionPristine2056 OP t1_ixizzyw wrote

While i know that's a very good idea, her mother was "okay" with her crush.... I might've probably forgotten to mention that.


jkr131 t1_ixjdk76 wrote

I reread the beginning part like 15 times and still don't get it. Is it you the 21 male or is your English teacher? Also, why your English teacher would ask you, one of his students, to teach her daughter (16 male?) English? Why wouldn't she do it herself?

Besides this, honestly this is not the biggest of deals. You should have stopped the teaching right when you saw the whole situation started clashing with your own studies and exams, no matter this girl's crush. But still, here you are, tell you professor that you're uncomfortable and that's it, is just a crush nothing irreversible.


OccasionPristine2056 OP t1_ixkqkmu wrote

I am 21 years old, and the teacher is much older, idk how much older, and she doesn't know shit about her language,and i called her on that, so she thought i may be a lot better than her to teach her daughter how to be fluent in English.


OccasionPristine2056 OP t1_ixkrnr7 wrote

Also, i didn't teach her after her birthday. It was just a friendly conversation from then on, but i didn't know the situation could go this wrong.


TheDaoOfCute t1_ixizcz5 wrote


I fail to see anything you have specifically done wrong, aside from not immediately telling your professor his daughter makes you uncomfortable as all hell.


OccasionPristine2056 OP t1_ixj09y1 wrote

Yess that's a very good point, but i didn't wanna be a snitch. I know i have nothing to back me up, and it was a stupid, but i thought i could've really handled it myself. I mean a 16 year old right? That's easy i thought, oh boy how hopeful i must've been back then...


TheDaoOfCute t1_ixj3245 wrote

A snitch? What the fuck?! What the hell would you be "snitching" about? Aren't you an adult who has to deal with a flirty child? What the fuck is there to snitch about? This just makes you sound like you were enjoying the attention.


OccasionPristine2056 OP t1_ixkqamo wrote

Well, trust me that's not the case, i was being put on a pedestal which was just cringy for me, that's not something I'd prefer happen to me. But idk something just kept telling me that i could handle it, and technically her mother knew about it, she actually contacted me a couple days later saying how we've been talking quite a lot these days and i said yes, and she said she's too young for dating yet nd i totally agreed to her. While i was talking she didn't tell me about her daughter's crush even though the daughter told me she told her mom, so there was not much i could do is she herself wouldn't outright talk to me at that time, but i did advise her to talk to her daughter about holding out in this stuff for a while until she's a little older and her studies are much easier to handle.