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Chesu t1_ivn753o wrote

>I instructed my husband to clean it using some bleach

…Sorry, to clarify, in what way were you expecting him to clean it? You said to use bleach, and he used bleach? Is this not on you?


-Blixx- t1_ivnadkr wrote

You sound terrible.


ElectroStaticSpeaker t1_ivnau2i wrote

Yah this is your FU for sure. "Basic chemistry" is not knowing that urine and bleach make mustard gas. I had no idea this was a thing until this post. Basic chemistry is known that H20 is water and CO2 is carbon dioxide. And other simple stuff. Not knowing what not to combine with bleach - especially when your spouse tells you to go clean something with bleach.


LilCurlyGirly t1_ivnc1w2 wrote

I'm not gonna lie, everyone on here sounds mad, but I think it's kinda funny. No one got hurt, he learned a lesson, and you learned that you gotta guide him more.

Shit happens


Chesu t1_ivndrc1 wrote

Oh, whoops, I thought this was in another sub and forgot the title by the time I reached the end of the post… when did TIFU change its icon to this white and blue?


cocainavendor t1_ivne2wu wrote

Girl I thought the same 😭I seen a TikTok about a bleach pregnancy test


wormyworm101 t1_ivnevny wrote

FYI You're going to want to use an enzymatic cleaner wherever the cat peed. There's a scent in the pee that may cause it to pee there again and other cleaners don't always get rid of that smell completely


RisingPhoenix5 t1_ivnfezb wrote

As a 28 year-old male, I should mention that I also would've made mustard gas unintentionally. And I had to clean my house as a teenager. I never had pets though.


Onikenbai t1_ivnh8b2 wrote

On your side. Pee and bleach don’t meet initially. Chemistry. That’s why special products exist. You can bleach the bad areas after the fact, after they’ve had lots of time to get exposed to home.


GuntherTime t1_ivnhhjc wrote

One of the best things about Reddit/going to college or moving out, is that you really learn that America’s education system needs a better national standard of what should be known.

Cause even though I knew about the mustard gas thing, I wouldn’t call that basic chemistry at all.


Fun-Pea-880 t1_ivniohm wrote

I do know that bleach and ammonia are a problem, but that is because my father used that to kill ant farms when I was a kid.

Some idiots have also used it to clean floors and caused damage to my roommate's lungs—terrible stuff.


rumble_salt t1_ivnj7li wrote

Look, as a kid who definitely mixed a lot of chemicals he shouldn’t have… you have to mix a lot of ammonia and bleach to do anything.

Just don’t let him start playing with aluminum and iron iii oxide powder inside… because that makes a mess!


Neenknits t1_ivnjhfc wrote

Why did you tell him to even use bleach? You rinse and rinse fabric soaked with cat urine, and then use soap, and rinse, over and over until the water runs clear, and then use either an enzyme cleaner or vinegar. Far more effective than bleach.


maw6495 t1_ivnjlxu wrote

Yeah I don't know I got two votes I guess that's enough I don't know if it goes up or down or whatever but you know bleach and ammonia make chlorine gas I don't know how you make mustard gas but I guess it sounds better for the other person but you know basically don't mix chemicals unless you know what you're doing

I had a philosophy of science teacher say people would rather die than think and they do.


Relevant_Tax_3737 OP t1_ivnjn4i wrote

Its funny now for sure. Especially when i think back to the split second his face went from “look, its making boiling bubbles” to “I’m gonna throw up”

Everybody learned something new. And shit sure happens


Relevant_Tax_3737 OP t1_ivnk885 wrote

Bleach was what we had available at the time. And what i have been using for big messes like this for years. Dilute with a little water, soak, scrub, rinse and then wash in a heavy duty cycle has been an easy way to get things clean. This was the first time he had done it. And i just didn’t explain all the minute steps


ConstipatedGoku t1_ivnkaep wrote

Forgetting the mustard gas, it still isn’t a good idea to play in bleachy chlorine water….Man his parents and school didn’t do him any favors


Neenknits t1_ivnm9s7 wrote

I guess that makes sense. I have had a couple cat with significant urinary issues, one kept getting sick with it. So, we had a lot to deal with. I always found vinegar worked better. I tried everything I could find!


Aldarionn t1_ivnpab9 wrote

I learned more about the possible volatile reactions of household chemicals from freshman history and video games than my chem class.

That said, American schools do a piss-poor job of teaching the practical applications of anything. I had to take two algebra classes, trig and pre calc to graduate high school but not one fucking personal finance course was available. I can solve triangles like a boss but I'm flat fucking broke!


katastatik t1_ivnpsbx wrote

Didn’t you tell him to use bleach?


I_love_misery t1_ivnpyg6 wrote

My family sometimes uses bleach to clean and we learned very quickly not to mix it with anything. I once convinced my sister to mix it with vinegar and after expressing skepticism she finally did it. Bad idea, we had to open all the windows but it sure did leave the floors clean.

Vinegar usually works fine and can be a great replacement for bleach.


bossy909 t1_ivnq0bg wrote

Toilet bowl cleaner (the works) has HCl and it doesn't react with ammonia like hypochlorite

You can also use windex, which already has ammonia.

Or vinegar, acetic acid

Even alcohol can help with the waxy sticky compounds in the urine

You told him to do it, but you didn't say to make a dilution or already have a dilution on hand, perhaps that's on you, Basic Chemistry.

Great for sanitizing, not the best cleaner though.


Cheesygirl1994 t1_ivnqdbm wrote

My school district never gave me a chemistry class during my K-12 years, only started getting into chemistry through my biology degree. It’s not common knowledge at all, unfortunately


Billielolly t1_ivnrmg2 wrote

Generally speaking, you would dilute the bleach with water - which would prevent a larger reaction like that. Diluting bleach when soaking something would be more of the common sense thing rather than the chlorine gas part.

But yeah, I think OP clearly realised it was somewhat of a mess up on their part by assuming he knew how to use it - hence posting in TIFU.


TexasRedJames1974 t1_ivns0m6 wrote

He actually made chloramine gas - I know, I made the same mistake he did, except I did it in a closed bathroom and wound up in the hospital over it.

Count yourself (and him) lucky!


darraghfenacin t1_ivns9gx wrote

you can correct your post again, as Ammonia and Bleach makes chloramine, not chlorine. HCl and Bleach makes Chlorine. But i guess you were right and basic chemistry isn't common knowledge.


Kvenya t1_ivnsk6k wrote

Chloramine gas, actually.


dominus_aranearum t1_ivntzm6 wrote

That was more or less my point. The entire act of making thermite is intentional. People who mix bleach with another chemical in an attempt to clean something at home are doing it out of ignorance. There's a major difference.