Submitted by Abdominal_Alex t3_yikjbk in tifu

TIFU by getting a speeding ticket

I (24 M) don't post much to reddit but this is the biggest mistake I've made in a long time. Obligatory happened a few months ago but learned about TIFU by watching YouTube. Also im a little drunk as i have not much to do these days so forgive the minor spelling errors. So, This was a massive domino effect. I was in a bad spot but I've worked out of it. I was 600lbs girlfriendless jobless ( for the most part) and a NEET. I went to school for tech and graduated . I got a job at Uber and left because I hated working for home and worked for a self driving car company in the bay area that will stay unamed. I did very well and got a few promotions and my life was kicking ass at the time. I was learning about a world I had no idea about. I was working for people that worked for Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. It was wild! For most of my life I worked as a security fulltime and part time call of duty player.

As I got adjusted to my new life I met cool people and went to parties and world changing meetings. My job in particular was working inside of the AVS (autonomous Vehicles as we called them). Driving and picking up NPCs (as the engineers called them) and got paid more than I have ever as a 24 year old ex security guard. I even met a girl who I loved with all my heart at work.

I worked for 2 years there and even got a friend to join. This friend loved the job and bought me an economical car so we could both carpool as I commuted to the bay from 2 hours away. I would pay him back through the job that we both worked at and both made good money at.

Life was perfect until I got a speeding ticket. I was on the way home with my first girlfriend and I was 300lbs from my max at 600lbs and feeling good but with my commute i was very tired as I worked nights. I was halfway home when I saw the blue and reds behind me. I got pulled over and got my first ticket. I went home and thought nothing of it. After awhile in small talk I spoke to my friends at work about the ticket and they turned white in the face. One told me "(redacted company) doesn't allow any points on your driving record at all". I panicked and people told me I could fight it but as it was my first speeding ticket I just payed it and thought nothing of it.

It took awhile for them to find out and I continued to work then my new car broke on the freeway as I got home. I sold my previous car because it was costing me alot in gas. The mechanic told me the engine blew and recommended I scrap the car. I did just that.

I carpooled with my friend for 2 months until he told me one day that he had other plans for his life and that he would quit in 1 month. I was devastated but happy that he had a plan for his life, so I found a coworker that I am I living with to commute with. He lived far from me so I would use my grandmothers car that I lived with at the time to get to his house.

This worked for awhile until my grandmother told me that that our landlord was selling and she would be put in a nursing home by other family members (she was having heart surgery st the same time too but thats another story, she's fine now <3) I ended up finding a place for me and my friend who was living with my grandmother and I at my coworkers house.

I lived here for 3 months until I get the call and my job says they've recived an "issue regarding my driving record" and if it wasn't rectified I'd be fired. I tried finding ways to get my ticket expunged but as I learned once you pay it youve plead guilty to it.

My girlfriend breaks up with me because she's not ready for a relationship (even though it worked until I got fired) and I end up being on unemployment with no car and no qualifications that are any use in any place other than the techy bay area. I am applying for any job I can get and over the many months I've been unemployed I've been rejected from McDonald's to PG&E and any jobs that I can do are too far from me to get to on public transport. I've gone from 300lbs to 450lbs and been drinking... alot. I feel like im in the same spot I was in before I started doing security and it sucks. We have no food as my friend works at a movie theater and my roommate works for the same company but keeps his supplies separate. It sucks he works for the same company because I have to hear people asking how I'm doing and I tell him to tell them I'm doing fine as to not worry them

My little family i have hasn't helped much either. I know it's my fault but they think I did it on purpose so I didn't have to work or commute. I loved my job and the commute was tolerable because I lived the job so much. I can't even see my grandmother because her eyes are to bad to drive the way up to see me. I feel pretty alone but my friends are helping me alot and I've learned alot of good lessons from this situation

Im hoping this week with the promising job leads I have that Ill get something going soon and I think it will but I feel better getting this out there. If nothing. else I wish I didn't stress eat but I'm working on it.

TL;DR worked my way into a good life and good health and good love but with a speeding ticket lost each one in the matter of a couple months.



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twohedwlf t1_iuj9ph7 wrote

Is that even legal to fire you for a speeding ticket? If on the job or in a company vehicle is a different situation.


Justryingoutreddit t1_iujaaij wrote

I know it’s hard, but if it’s your first ever speeding ticket most traffic lawyers could knock it down to a fine with no points. That shouldn’t have been an issue.


MetaTryn_UOS t1_iujf39i wrote

Exactly what I was going to say ^^ Not proud of it but I’ve had plenty of tickets over the years and just about every single one has either been dismissed entirely or a reduced fine with no points. Find yourself a good traffic lawyer and let them handle the rest. Best part is that it’s usually cheaper to pay a lawyer to handle the ticket than it is to actually pay the ticket.


Steve_Austin_OSI t1_iujht0e wrote

ANd that's why you never, ever, mention anything regarding legal issues at work.

Also, post again when sober.


enjoymeredith t1_iujn8il wrote

Had to google NEET. Never heard of it before.


Ghost17088 t1_iujtmxt wrote

Depends on if having a clean driving record is a requirement of the job. A lot of jobs that involve travel or delivery do. Sounds like driving was a key requirement for this job and because it was developing autonomous vehicles, they generally do expect perfect driving records.


SegFaultX t1_iuk2ihs wrote

If you're in a high paying field, can't you just rent a place close to your work so you can manage without a vehicle that way you can apply to other tech jobs that are too far for you currently.