Submitted by marshall105 t3_ycsc6s in tifu

So today after work, and I was getting ready to leave, one of my coworkers has her two daughters playing around while waiting for her, and when I was about to leave, I saw one of them has red marks on her face, and they were holding a paper with coloured heart shape, which was red. so I just assumed she had accidentally coloured on her face, so I jokingly asked what happened to you face? But then she went silent, and when I got a bit closer, I realized they were not paints from markers, but they were rashes, I suddenly felt horrible, and instantly apologized to her, and I went to her mom and explained what happened and apologized to her as well, and went back to the kids, explained that I thought they had paints on her face, and apologized again, fortunately the kid handled it like a champ and were understanding, and we just chat a little about how their school went and I made sure they were not upset anymore, then I left, I felt so bad while my other coworker laughed that I actually “went there”…

TLDR: I thought a kid had paint on her face and made a joke, but it turned out to be rashes, and I looked like a jerk.



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AcrobaticSource3 t1_ito84ai wrote

This reminds me of a very unfortunate situation one Halloween night when a friend’s kid was yelled at for wearing blackface. The white parents were taking their kid out dressed as George Washington Carver (go figure). But the family was new to the area so the lady who answered the door only saw the parents at the curb and glanced at the child, but didn’t know that this boy was adopted and assumed it was a white boy wearing blackface


merganzer t1_itxeqx8 wrote

I'm sitting here wondering how a kid dresses recognizably as George Washington Carver--I know who he was, but not what he looked like. Giant peanut prop, maybe?


CharieRarie t1_itp4xs8 wrote

Ooops! I feel for you, but it was a genuine mistake and you apologised.

I asked a child at work if she had bumped herself, as it looked like she had a bruise on her forehead… “No it’s a birthmark!”

Thankfully she wasn’t upset, she just laughed at me and said people ask her a lot.


sigmund14 t1_itriy1r wrote

A: "Did you hit your leg somewhere, looks like you have a bruise"
B: "No...? Not that I know of."

If you have bruises from seemingly no reason, go to your doctor, might be something (leukemia, ...).


davros7000 t1_itoj0pt wrote

I sort of did this with my daughter, i got home and she was eating a jam sandwitch. I thought she had jam on her face when i saw red.

Noooo, wife came out and freaked a little, turns out it was blood.

Just a blood nose, but still here i was shrugging it off as jam.


MercilessSorceress t1_itqnx6o wrote

Ha! When I was a kid I rode my bike into a fence and had road rash all over my face. A couple days later I had PB&J for lunch and my mom got mad that I was so messy and had dried jelly on my face. She insisted on scrubbing it off, no matter how much I objected. No mom, those are scabs ... She felt so bad when the "jelly" started bleeding! 🤣


brackenbu t1_itr7ml5 wrote

Reminds me of that video of the guy who try’s to double high five the 4/5 year old girl with no arms, realises his mistake, goes for a singular high 5 and then fist bumps her shoulder. Apparently the poor guy, from the girls parents mouths, is one of the nicest people too. He just wanted to celebrate her finishing her race and fucked up 😂

I once met a guy who was, what I thought, making faces at me mocking me. It has happened a few times and I asked him what was his problem why’s he making fun of me? He was like what? I was like, you keep making faces at me when I’m talking? And yeah he had Tourette’s. Felt like shit, but he was sound about it.


dontscreamimscared t1_itp23cm wrote

That would happen to me from time to time. I was kind of a messy eater as a kid and have beauty spots, moles and freckles in my face. When i would have Nutella people who didn't know me too well assumed that there was way more mess on my face than there actually was. I mean there WAS Nutella on there just not quite as much :D


dontscreamimscared t1_itp26rt wrote

Oh and I was fine by the way. I just always thought it was hilarious and let my grandma scrub away at my face only to start to giggle at some point


Figgy20000 t1_iu09ycu wrote

Oh, don't worry. I've done much worse.

2 days ago a regular customer of ours comes into our restaurant with an eyepatch. Me being a dumbass I ask if he's getting ready for halloween. Nope, he tells me he lost the eye due to a hernia or some shit. Never been more embarassed in my life.