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micky4life t1_itgdvu3 wrote

Ok i couldn't read this that well what was the reason for her to attacking?


throwaway98271673 OP t1_itibgsm wrote

She's very physical because she's a woman and believes because I'm a man I should never fight back no matter what she does which I dont agree with


Poppysgarden t1_itkgbdz wrote

She’s going to learn in life that this is not the case with all guys she knows she can do it to you because. You have never hit her one good solid time so that she won’t continue being physically aggressive. A lot of boys/men are very different now they have no problem defending themselves or worse. Your aunt sucks big time for not kicking her out for the knife incident next this happens - it won’t be the last since it is condoned - call the police.


micky4life t1_itkk242 wrote

Both sides should never begin to be abusing wtf is this logic, 2022 is a bad fucking year