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buttlickka t1_it66ac6 wrote

Honestly, being as young as you are (I’m 38 and still feel like I’m only just figuring things out) you have shown maturity that I absolutely didn’t have at that age. Probably because I’m a male and a big boof head. Stay true to yourself mate it will never fail you. BIG HUGS! Hahaha


-SheriffofNottingham t1_it73o7j wrote

can confirm. I am 38 and don't know anything


UniqueUsername718 t1_it7d6nd wrote

You’ll figure it all out when you turn 39 like me. Lol, jk. I too don’t know anything.


Brevemike t1_it7gw4g wrote

Not to worry. By the time you hit 50 you won’t remember not knowing anything.

No, seriously..I can’t remember anything now.


rengothrowaway t1_it8o4m0 wrote

You made it all the way to 50 before you forgot everything? Lucky you! I’m 41, and I can’t remember what I did this morning.


BangBangMeatMachine t1_it7w1d9 wrote

Good news. Once you cross 40 you'll know everything. Much of it will be wrong, but what's important is that you'll be sure of it.


OddEar1529 t1_ita4h2z wrote

And then you cross 65, knowing that you do know everything and you are sure of it ecause you know that it IS correct!...but you just can't remember it...


becelav t1_it7rp2i wrote

Knowing you know nothing is still knowing something.

You acknowledge you don’t know everything and that’s something many people lack.


spider-bro t1_it8wg4h wrote

I'm 39 (going on 40) and know all sorts of shit because I acted out my idiocy when I was younger.

Acting mature is overrated in the immature.


12altoids34 t1_it7n1lx wrote

I kind of went the other way. I was overly cautious. And often hid my feelings for someone completely. I also absolutely refused to show any interest at all and girls that my friends were interested in, my friends ex-girlfriends, my friends younger or older sisters or friends of an ex girlfriend. Retrospectively I have learned that I missed out on a lot of relationships that could possibly have been very good relationships. Unfortunately the few times that I did end up mentioning that I had feelings for someone in one of those categories it was usually too late at that point the moment had passed.


405134 t1_it9nkuq wrote

Lol you big “boofer” you didn’t even need to tell us how old you are , we could’ve guessed by your words alone. Lol. (No offense tho, just being silly)