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Vast_Reflection t1_itrmqy3 wrote

See the thing is he said she’s 24! That’s way too old to be this childish and immature about this. She honestly sounds like one of those girls who was raised in a cult or something, super isolated and weird outdated views on sex


Orbnotacus t1_its6urz wrote

I totally understand what you mean, but a minority of people are still children until they're almost 30. The whole "once you're 18, you're an adult" thing is bogus. No one is an "adult" by then.


Vast_Reflection t1_its7ydf wrote

Well yeah, obviously. Only teenagers think that 30 year olds have their life together. But at 24 she definitely should be on a path of understanding why she reacts the way she does around sex and how it might not be healthy. It didn’t really seem like she did and instead blamed others (as OP found).