Submitted by East_Independent_657 t3_y9g77r in tifu

TIFU by sending Nudes

I apologize I advance for any grammar errors and other things like that as I am distressed and a little drunk.

Hey guys, this one might belong on TIFU. But there is definitely a legal component here I am an (M22) and was on a dating app called POF and matched with a Woman who let's call Ashley who was defiantly out of my league and her profile said (22f). The Person had a Houston area code and after asking where I was claimed that they lived in the same town as me (It is Not Huston). So I was a little thrown off but I moved forward as I don’t mind messing with porn bots on these dating apps. About a few days into messaging back and forth things got more sexual and we moved off the app and exchanged nudes. I have done this with a few other women on this app. (Me being the fedora-wearing kind of gentleman I am I always delete the nudes after I have finished.) And I didn’t think anything was different with this one. Well, yesterday the phone number that was associated with the girl started calling me and I was at work so I asked if I could call when I got off. She said sure and about 10 minutes later this number starts blowing up my phone and I was confused as hell. About 5 minutes later I start getting a bunch of texts from the number Ashley had given me from someone claiming to be Ashley’s father and that I was exchanging nudes with a 15-year-old. And amid all this chaos of this dude blowing up my phone while I was working, he started demanding 400 dollars for his wife’s medical bills. So, at this point, I assume that I was getting scammed and blocked the number. Then I get a call and text from someone who claimed to be from the PD Department in the town where I said I was in the original message. This Number was a Georgia area code again not where I live. So, I pick up the phone and listen to someone give me a rant on how I should be in jail, but I was that Ashley’s father was so graciously offering me a deal. And at this point, I’m freaking out because I know guys who have gone to prison for similar things. And so, I end up staying on the call while Ashley’s alleged father berated me on how I destroyed his life and he needs all this money for his wife’s medical bills cause Ashley had shoved her out the window or something along those lines. So, He gives me an ultimatum I give him whatever I have over cash app and make payments to help him with his wife’s bills or he will file a police report and get me thrown in jail. I ask him to put the officer back on and the officer gets on the phone. I ask the officer for the badge number cause at that point I would much rather just get rid of the whole situation, but I want to make sure that this threat is real and that I wasn’t getting scammed. The “officer” refuses to identify his badge and will not give me anything else other than his name “Detective Sanchez” Ashley’s father got back on the phone and started telling me I need to pay up and this is my last opportunity cause 400 is a lot cheaper than the court fees and “getting my ass destroyed in Prison”. So, I ask him to put the officer back on one more time and he does so I ask him once again to identify his badge number as he identified himself as an officer and he’s supposed to by state law he once again tells me he won’t identify himself as he only is acting as a mediator in this situation. Well, I Make a bluff and say that I need his badge number to confirm his identity to make sure I’m not being scammed, and I also drop that the call was being recorded. About 3 seconds after that the line goes dead.Well, I’m freaking out right now cause I don’t know how to handle this. And my gut tells me it was a scam but worried as hell. So it was the best put-together scam I have ever seen or I’m screwed so I figured id ask Reddit for advice as a 3rd party cause I can’t think straight.

TL;DR: I either am screwed Or this is the Most Advanced Scam



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UsernameIsTakenO_o t1_it5xhsu wrote

It's absolutely a scam, and not even a very complex one. The guy impersonates an attractive woman in her early 20's, gets you to send nudes, then plays the "angry father". If that doesn't work, his accomplice plays the "detective" to add authority, fear, and urgency.

First clue: the "angry father" is demanding money. That's not what fathers do when they find out a 20-something is sending naked pictures to their 15 year old daughter. A real father would probably demand you delete the photos and don't contact his daughter, or just threaten to kill the ever living fuck out of you.

Second clue: the "detective" is negotiating for you to pay money to the "angry father". It would have been more believable if they stuck with "give me money or I'll call the cops". Real police would either try to get a confession before you have an attorney present, or just explain they aren't pursuing charges because the "daughter" solicited the nude photos under the guise of an adult on an adult website.

Third clue: the "detective" hung up when you pressed for a badge number, indicated your intent to verify their identity, and informed them you're recording. Scammers want easy, gullible targets. If you push back in any way, they'll hang up and move on.

Bonus tip: In the U.S., you never have to inform a police officer you're recording them during the course of their official duties. You can't record in sensitive areas where recording devices are prohibited, but otherwise you can record the police doing police business and you don't have to tell them.


meco03211 t1_it69kvc wrote

[Not so] Fun fact! I know someone that was involved in a scam like this. Except he used it on underage kids. He's now serving decades in prison. It only took one person coming forward to police to unravel a child porn ring of like a couple dozen people.

Not saying it's the same here but maybe these people have been successful elsewhere. Could be helpful if you felt up to going to the cops yourself with this info.


hueybourbon t1_itrvgzp wrote

In jersey? A former co-worker of mine went to jail for posing as his teenage son and soliciting nudes.


Crashpoint t1_it9l2s4 wrote

I still don't understand the fascination with sending nudes or uploading them, but be careful out there. It just takes once misclick and those pics will get out there and ruin your life.


You_Are_The_Username t1_itt0x5m wrote

Oh this is fantastic satire - I mean no one in their right mind could be silly enough to think any of this was real and that anyone other than a scammer would act this way! Thanks for the laughs 😂