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AllanfromWales1 t1_it52j42 wrote

I don't know what you took, but normal shrooms would not do that to you. Timescales and effects don't add up. I'd avoid the guy who sold you those.


TuliBean t1_it5f2t0 wrote

Rubbed pcp on some random woods mushrooms


TheToyScarecrow t1_it5i6qn wrote

Normal shrooms very much can do that to you


[deleted] t1_it6j1aw wrote

After 5-6 hours of eating em?


TheToyScarecrow t1_it6lx45 wrote

So most experts agree, shroom trips last between 4 to 6 hours. There’s a number of factors that impact when your peak is how long it lasts, etc. but one of the most important things to remember is if you have what is a potentially a life altering moment during a trip, when you are coming down you will likely be extremely susceptible to having hallucinations that are caused more naturally by something like sleep deprivation, or natural wandering (call of the void).

And I don’t think I could give you an accurate timeline on any of my trips because I didn’t schedule anything but the worst trip of my life started at 9 pm and went through the night, it probably ended around three or 4 AM But I don’t remember sleeping. I do remember the next morning being quite bad however. Previous trips I had a newfound appreciation for things that would last a couple days, some people call it a glow or sparkle. After my worst trip I woke up with a harrowing feeling: like a stain or shadow was cast upon me. It took a long time to shake that off. I suffered from ptsd revisiting moments from the trip that would send me back into despair on a good day. I would literally feel like I was still tripping randomly like a trip with a trip (tripception) especially right afterwards. It’s gotten better, I think it’s been about 2 years since, but every once and awhile I feel a sinking feeling because a memory surfaced.

I will never do shrooms again because for all the fun trips I had one extreme experience ruined anything positive.

I knew where the shrooms came from, I knew what species they were, previous batches from the same spores were no where near the level of intensity that bad trip shrooms were. And it wasn’t just me, there were a total of 5 of us that went on that trip. We all drank the same tea prepped the same way split equally. Only one of us had a “good” trip.


noahB53 t1_it6adew wrote

Normal psilocybin mushrooms don’t usually cause the effects op described (lots of experience). There are three possibilities, the more likely one is that there was one bad mushroom in the batch that “poisoned” op causing his irrational panic and memory loss. Or op has an underling mental condition that got triggered by this specific strain of mushroom causing his temporary psychotic episode. Or the stuff was laced with some mystery drug.


TSCCaillou t1_it5iwqf wrote

Spoken like somebody who doesnt do shrooms


TheToyScarecrow t1_it5jdr5 wrote

I don’t do shrooms anymore, I had a really bad trip that was comparable to his experience.

I knew the source of the shrooms and the Id they were just super potent.

Again it’s entirely possible it was just shrooms.


TSCCaillou t1_it5pupl wrote

On a hero dose of 3gs ill bet too


TheToyScarecrow t1_it5qyx1 wrote

Worse than that 3g not fully dried. /s

There a lot of factors on when it hits and how hard it hits.


SirPage t1_it5utej wrote

High doses of mushrooms can definitely do this ....


AllanfromWales1 t1_it6l6ml wrote

OP says this was a low dose..


shorterthanyou15 t1_it76eul wrote

3g is definitely a high dose, especially if they are potent shrooms.


SandyBeaverTeeth t1_it8qcjp wrote

More importantly, 3g is a highly variable dose, and borderline meaningless/misleading, because not all shrooms are the same.


AllanfromWales1 t1_it77o6m wrote

Nonsense. OP himself said he was used to higher doses. Personally I'll take ten times that, and have never had a bad trip. Also, the delay before onset of the bad trip isn't what I'd expect from shrooms as opposed to something 'treated' with pcp or who knows what to make it more potent.


shorterthanyou15 t1_it787gs wrote

Shrooms are natural and therefore the dosage is completely unpredictable. He bought these shrooms from a new dealer so they absolutely could have been more potent than others he's bought. Or maybe all the past ones he bought from a previous dealer were super weak. Reality is that since its unregulated and if you're buying from different people, you will never know the true potency of the shrooms you're taking.

Also I've had super delayed shrooms trips because of eating them on a very full stomach. It takes longer to digest because of that. But I also agree with you that these shrooms could have been laced with something else. But I wouldn't discount the fact that these might have just been super strong shrooms.


AllanfromWales1 t1_it78p03 wrote

Funnily enough I've never bought shrooms from a dealer. They grow on the hills around here (p. semilanceata, liberty caps) so I know what I'm taking. Still quite variable, but within limits. I wouldn't trust a dealer.


Jerkface555 t1_it7bh8n wrote

He is used to higher doses but these are different shrooms. I've taken eights that have given me a mild trip and I have taken 8ths that have made me into a psychotic zombie for 6 hours.


Chances are he just took some normal mushrooms that were stronger than he was used to. This occompanied with whatever kind of shit was going on in his life led to a bad trip. I've seen it a million times.


Its the same as any other psychedelic. Sometimes 3 hits sends you on a great journey. Somtimes you end up in a hellish place and have to hold on by the seat of your pants for the next 8 hours. Just because it went great last time, that doesn't mean next time will be the same thing.


AllanfromWales1 t1_it7e8uk wrote

You think psychedelics are variable? Try some anticholinergic deliriants some time (or perhaps not..). Pure guessworks for the effects from a slightly dry mouth to weeks of sheer madness.


Mrs_Peabody t1_it7n39h wrote

You’ve taken over an ounce of shrooms in one sitting? Jesus. I pick psilocybe cyanescens which are stronger than liberty caps and take 3.5 g when I trip. Most I’ve taken is 7 g which was intense but not in a bad way. Even with liberty caps not being as potent as cyanescens, 30 g sounds insane.