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FlatElvis t1_it0kxpf wrote

I don't understand your financial situation (does the shared job count toward the three you claim to have, why don't you work full time, why your lunch is "a set price", etc). But you don't seem to have an agreed upon budget for your family. You say it was news to you that you couldn't afford the soda. That's where the problem is. You need to have the conversation. Figure out what your needs cost. Then divide the leftover amount equally for your wants. You should both get money toward wants. Maybe you get a soda once a week. Maybe not at all. And if the money isn't going far enough, you need to reevaluate your jobs. Are you working enough? And is she? Work today is virtual. You don't have to walk to earn money. Make sure that you're not making excuses for each other in this regard.


OkConcentrate723 OP t1_it0mp9o wrote

She applied for online jobs but hasn’t been able to get one. We both work the thrift. I have a work from home job that I am building, it’s slow but growing. Then we both had a friend hire us to do online web dev which started this week.

Lately I’ve been suffering from panic attacks from the financial stress so I haven’t been keeping up with it well. (Im getting help with this.) I’m just trying to keep up with our gas a food.


FlatElvis t1_it0nhvn wrote

If web development is your skill, there are plenty of remote $70-80k jobs out there. Maybe you could put your own business on hold until you get some money in the bank?


613vc420 t1_it1ndq6 wrote

If they could get a 70k job, they probably wouldn’t be posting here. There is something deeper at work


shaggypoo t1_it1y3eb wrote

Yeah their "work from job that I’m building” sounds less like a job an him trying to build a startup that isn’t going well


Ok-disaster2022 t1_it34vir wrote

Anxiety is a mind killer, and often masks or is a symptom of other mental health issues.


Roidz18 t1_it1fcth wrote

Apply for food stamps, mortgage/rent, electricity costs etc give bonus points for knocking down your income from work to give you a better chance to apply.

Instead of going to a food joint for a soda stop at a gas station or whatever and get a fountain drink (7/11 has like a 1.29$ size like 44 oz).

Keep your adds you get in the mail. Plan your shopping trips to stores with the sales when possible. Smiths is pretty good with 4 12 packs for 11.99$. Compared to even Walmart @ 5-7$ per pack.

If you shop for higher quality food or Whole Foods type prices, you may have to dumb down the brand names and buy more beans and such.

The being a bad husband part is you (from what you mentioned) put your fast food over your wife’s needs. Also sounds like you’re trying to juggle too much, so give yourself some breathing room. Sounds like you may need to put your own business on pause while you sort things out. Try looking for a job that you have skills in that will better help pay bills.

Your wife can look up “data entry remote” etc. on linked in, the local job connect (the state building that helps people look for work). She should also try to get disability. Disability and food stamps make the other easier to get.

Sounds like you’re having a hell of a time with it all, I hope it gets better for you man.


Thee420Blaziken t1_it1ciav wrote

Financial issues are extremely stressful and put a huge strain on people's lives in general, don't beat yourself up for it. (Won't really help the situation)

Like another commenter said if you and your wife have web dev skills I'd try going that route while you build up your business. Also idk what country you live in but do some research on government subsidies (food stamps etc...), those should at least be able to put food on the table for both of you no matter what.


snogle t1_it2s8u5 wrote

What is your work from home business?


JustOnePack t1_it55wqn wrote

If you actually have web dev skills (education? certs?) , my company is fully remote and hiring with great benefits that starts the 1st of the following month. Msg me


SleepingThrough1t t1_it5ejxo wrote

You do web development, but make $1200/month?

For 1 person full time, that’s $7.50/hr.