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TheLastKirin t1_irjwid7 wrote

You might have an allergy or extra sensitivity. I use this stuff and don't have that issue.
Or maybe your wife just has some incredibly intense brand. I have been using Trader Joe's.


RoaldDahlek t1_irko4u4 wrote

From his description he's using the Paul Mitchell brand which is the same stuff I use. It's labelled tea tree but really, it's mostly peppermint. Like, Dr Bronner strength peppermint.


katanakid13 t1_irk9smx wrote

Yep. Or something's gone wrong at the factory that made the shampoo and OP has chem burns as a result. Happened to me with Axe and Old Spice a few years ago.


BeastOGevaudan t1_is1mggh wrote

I immediately thought of Trader Joe's! I always say, "It puts the tinglies in your jinglies."


Pr1meKn1ght t1_irkabrl wrote

Totally. The first time I used tea tree soap on muh bits they had never felt so clean and fresh.