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Useful_Experience423 t1_irbgbtv wrote

Ummm, hate to say it, but you did something stupid, then repeated it 4 more times and the bird is the dumb one? She literally played you like a tune for extra food!


Y0ur-Auth0r OP t1_irbhff8 wrote

She took a bite, flinched in pure disgust, and then another bite, flinch, and then she ran off with it and ate it before I could get it away. Went straight for the water dish when I put her back in the cage. Birds are wild lol


Useful_Experience423 t1_irbiftc wrote

Lol, I bet she thought:

Daaamn; this is what he’s been eating? He seems to really like it though, so I’ll try again. Nope! Can’t let him have it back though. It’ll set a precedent and it’s finders keepers round here!