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rrickitickitavi t1_jclh74o wrote

OP doesn’t smoke occasionally. They smoke daily. No partner who doesn’t smoke at all is ever going to be fine with that. It’s nothing like the hobbies you mention.


benzillaaaa t1_jclhzjh wrote

Idk where you get this notion from lol you're probably young. I know tons of adult couples where one is a stoner and the other is not. For reference I don't smoke anymore and my partner does and I could not care less about their habit. Saying stuff like never and can't or won't just shows how narrowminded this viewpoint is. I promise you that stoners can date non stoners...i can't believe I have to defend this point lol yall are reaaaally immature. I get that the poster is young and likely impressionable and I hope they speak to a professional and not get their advice from inexperienced people on reddit. Smh


rrickitickitavi t1_jcln9pf wrote

There are always unicorns


benzillaaaa t1_jclnjw9 wrote

Maybe don't be so definitive in your advice then? Saying stuff like NEVER will make OP feel hopeless.


rrickitickitavi t1_jclolch wrote

This relationship is hopeless. Girlfriend clearly hates weed. That's why OP felt compelled to lie. This relationship is unrepairable.


benzillaaaa t1_jcliejh wrote

If someone uses weed for medical reasons everyday, should their dating pool only consist of other people who smoke weed? I am baffled by this comment honestly and that you're so headstrong about it. I promise you that it can work out if they're open and honest about it. Become less reliant on it, sure, but they can date who they want to regardless of their habit.