Submitted by Holiday_Figure_6041 t3_122pfxp in tifu

So me and my gf both are pretty young (18-20) (this is a throwaway account) We were on our way to pick up my newly done glasses I proceeded to park the car outside then a small family Of a M(probably 40s) & F(same as m) both were pretty heavy with their 2 children came in demanding I move my car as I parked on T spot (we will call the guy as R and women as T) so I told R I'm was just leaving then slight banter against T and my girlfriend occurs with my gf stating we did Nothing illegal they make a scene in the shop but soon leave(wile t is going crazy calling us educated illeterates) then as we exit the shop and go towards the car my gf starts recording their car then R goes ballistic telling her to delete all the video I tried to calm the situation but to no avil then he tried to snatch my gfs phone from her I then extend my hand to distance them. But he continues to use his physicality to over power me then T held my forearm forcefully and started scream that I touched her and R started recording (all while their children started to beg them to stop)

Then I tried open the cars door while T was forcing the door close then I distanced myself and during all this commotion I shit myself (I had diahreea if that helps) and my legs started shaking violently. I think nobody noticed tho after that some ppl started to gather around to calm the situation while my gf was telling me to get in the car. But I couldn't leave her alone outside the car. Then when ppl were holding them I opened the door for my gf we got in and left the scene. Then my gf starts berating me abt how I even when I tried to protect her (by extending my arm to stop them from approching her) made situation worse and that I was immature. She said I could have rotten in jail but she would be fine outside as ppl would cm to protect her. She then sent the video to her ex who goes to the gym aka strong and asked for his help and opinion on how to proceed.

IM ashamed of my self I'm not athletic. I'm weak, caused them to harass my gf. Idk what to do. any advice is good.

TL;DR I was confront and accused by physically large ppl and shat myself while failing to protect my gf



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thejigisup88 t1_jdr4u6r wrote

Time to find a new gf.


A-Dolahans-hat t1_jdr6rf9 wrote

I don’t normally jump on the “leave them” train but yeah, this time it sounds right. You did the right thing to try and keep her safe. From what you wrote all you did was step between then with your arms out to keep them apart. You didn’t push or hit anyone either. So you would have no reason to go to jail. Even R and T aren’t going to jail, maybe pay a fine if it had gotten worse.

But yeah you might want to be looking for a new GF, if she berates you for keeping her safe and her first reaction is to text an Ex for help. She’s not over him and will leave you once she can get back with him.

What is a T parking space?


Holiday_Figure_6041 OP t1_jdr6ygl wrote

He said he parks there everyday.


A-Dolahans-hat t1_jdrqyhn wrote

Oh gotcha. She thinks it’s her personal spot. I was thinking it was like a handicap or expecting mother parking spot.


OkVolume1 t1_jdse90p wrote

And pair of underwear...

And pants...

And socks...


RabidJoint t1_jdr5bt0 wrote

No age mentioned due to privacy: bro, yours on the internet, with a made up name, spilling the age of everyone else involved…lol kids


No_Love_1353 t1_jdrhbtj wrote

Drop her, figure out your diarrhea issue, go to a gym that guy doesn’t go to, and make sure not to park in peoples claimed spots until you’re a big boy.


opschief0299 t1_jdr83e9 wrote
