Submitted by Iwroteathrowaway t3_11lq6oa in tifu

So background is that I(23m) have a humiliation kink. I don't have any anybody I play with right now but I still enjoy engaging with it by myself sometimes. This includes using body safe markers to write kinky degrading things on parts of my body you can't see most of the time(crotch, butt, chest, ect).

So last night I did that and jerked off, I ended up writing on various parts of my body including on my chest. I decided to go to bed without taking any of it off since I thought "well its nowhere noticeable so no big deal."

In the morning I got ready for work, and didn't shower since I only shower every other day. Again, I thought it was fine because nothing was written anywhere noticeable right? And I didn't notice anything weird while getting dressed.

I go to work as a cashier, everything goes smooth, and I get home after 8 hours of work. As I'm getting dressed out of my work clothes I notice, "hey whats that on my upper arm?"

I take a look into my mirror to see that one of the kinky things I wrote on my chest had rubbed off onto my arm while I slept... "fuck meat" was written somewhat faintly on my upper arm. I checked to see if my uniform's sleeves covered it and only halfway. It was still readable if my arms were lifted and I was somewhat close to the mirror. A position and distance I'm often in when checking out customers and having to reach over the counter or lift some of the larger products.

I'm kind of dying inside right now at the possibility that a customer or coworker could have seen this written on my arm. Worse is I have no way of knowing if anyone did and just didn't say anything to me about it... Kind of feel like throwing up rn.

TL;DR, I wrote something kinky on my chest that rubbed off onto to my arm in a potentially noticeable place and then I went to work at my customer service job. I don't know if anyone saw.



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OkVolume1 t1_jbeby5s wrote

Do you by chance work in a vegan restaurant because if you do that's on brand if you add an exclamation mark??


D4m089 t1_jbeid6q wrote

Tbh if I was a customer I'd just assume it was a vegan thing... Maybe the fuck is not appropriate language if kids about etc but I certainly wouldn't have associated with a kink if you hadn't of said


TheOfficialKramer t1_jbfbn7k wrote

You should shower more. Don't be dirty.


HighlightFun8419 t1_jbg5i4h wrote

daily showers waste water. every other day is totally acceptable, especially if you have an indoor job and don't sweat or do anything physical that day.


-holdmyhand t1_jbdrnpf wrote

I guess it's kinky after all.


member_of_the_order t1_jbdo1sx wrote

What markers do you use? I use bic henna markers and I don't remember them ever smudging too badly.


Iwroteathrowaway OP t1_jbdowvc wrote

I use the bic fine tip temporary tattoo markers, the dark blue color specifically this time. I usually shower after using the markers so I didn't realize they smudged but apparently they do.


Corgichubs t1_jbhvjxr wrote

Wouldnt it be backwards if it rubbed off onto your arm?


blahbleh112233 t1_jbei3jj wrote

Look at it this way, at least you're better off than Billy "fuckface" Ripken


Zomgsolame t1_jbkuwxs wrote

Was your hair real spiky too?