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impairedblur t1_jdbr29z wrote

noones reading this just to let you know ...paragraphs!


SesameAlley t1_jdbu3av wrote

Hello, We are also a version of an alter ego in a sense, have you already forgotten how real it all felt?, the altered feeling is real but it is surpressed by the current version of the human brain that hasn't evolved to communicate with these higher levels of consciousness, we are truly blessed by these consumables that temporarily let us access this plane of existenance, the way forward is to use technology and AI primarily to fast-forward the brain and it's level of consciousness for easier and more fluid access to this state of being that we will all share one day.


justadiode t1_jdbu41u wrote

Ok dude, you can exhale now. Holy shit what is in this blunt


RelativeMap3506 t1_jde62f4 wrote

This is why we do not smoke pot, we are crazy enough already. Mushrooms on the other hand, we will eat those like they are the bringer of life itself. We once met ourselves as several forms, the young and free, the old and wise, and the lost and found. All stories have a beginning and an ending. You're right to be cautious though, some don't come back from there.


redditing_Aaron t1_jdf4wjq wrote

There's this neat thing called enter to create a new paragraph


_Yukiteru-kun_ t1_jdgvie3 wrote

Tf where you smoking m8?

When I got high I was laughing like an idiot at a funny shaped rock, meanwhile you’re telling me you got an alter ego explaining to you the laws of the universe?


xilw3r t1_jdr0f2a wrote

It wasn't your alter ego, it was our soul.