Submitted by PitifulAd2391 t3_11r2rt5 in tifu

So, this didn't happen today, but a few months ago. I woke up early one morning and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, as I usually do. But this time, I didn't pay much attention to what I was grabbing from the counter.

You see, someone in my house had left a tube of vagisil next to the toothpaste, and I didn't notice it until it was too late. I squeezed some of the white paste onto my toothbrush and started brushing away.

At first, I didn't notice anything strange. But then, as I was brushing my tongue, I tasted something... off. It was a weird, bitter taste that I couldn't quite place. I spit out the foam and rinsed my mouth, but the taste lingered.

That's when I looked at the tube of vagisil and realized what had happened. I had just brushed my teeth with a vaginal cream. I felt disgusted and embarrassed, and I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed the mistake earlier.

I immediately brushed my teeth again with toothpaste, but the taste didn't go away for a while. I also felt a bit paranoid that I might have somehow made my mouth or teeth smell of vagisil, but thankfully, nothing bad happened.

I never told anyone about this incident, but I still cringe when I think about it. Moral of the story: always check what you're grabbing from the counter before using it!

TL;DR: Accidentally used vagisil instead of toothpaste to brush my teeth, tasted weird and gross, felt embarrassed and paranoid.



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FlyGuy_2000 t1_jc6dn5l wrote

Did it relieve the itching, burning sensation in your mouth though?


neverinamillionyr t1_jc6hqsy wrote

I was in a hotel. It was a 2 week trip so when I got to the room, I emptied my shaving kit into drawers in the bathroom. The next morning I woke up a bit hung over and went went to brush my teeth. The “toothpaste “ tasted terrible. I looked and apparently someone before me left some yeast infection cream in the drawer. All the rinsing and mouthwash in the world couldn’t get rid of the taste.


hjo1210 t1_jcajiy8 wrote

Diaper rash cream - that stuff is made to NOT wash off. I could feel the "wetness barrier" all freakin day


Shiaynyi t1_jcs48g1 wrote

Five years ago I mistook a tube of cortizol for toothpaste so I understand how that goes.