Submitted by BigPaul20 t3_122zp4g in tifu

I flipped off my boss yesterday and have been terrified ever since. I was driving home from the gym yesterday around 10 AM and came across an intersection where I had the right of way, out of nowhere a car makes a rolling stop through a stop sign and cuts right in front of me to turn left. I slammed my brakes and laid my hand on the horn for a good 10 seconds he, for some reason, stopped in front of me and was honking me as well.

I told him to go and raised my middle finger proud and then it hit me, my boss was driving the car. For context, I graduated with my degree in May and started working as a junior financial analyst in October, I am still new enough where my relationship with my boss is completely professional and doesn't include much conversation about stuff outside of work. I don't know why I didn't recognize him or his car immediately, maybe it was because I was filled with rage, but it was definitely him.

I was praying he didn't recognize me, but he had to. He knows my car we leave at the same time a lot, and he also had that look of anger turned to confusion on his face. Either way, I am not looking forward to going to work tomorrow and have been anxious and nervous about it all weekend. Should I call out? Should I take the bus instead of driving there so for some reason if he didn't recognize me then he doesn't recognize my car? I don't know what to do, he's not the type of guy who jokes around, he always takes his job so seriously and everyone respects him. I've come to terms that theres nothing I can do and I must face it this week, but I need to think of am apology or something to say when it comes up. My heart wants to tell him its his fault for not looking but also he's my boss and controls my paycheck.


TL;DR flipped off my boss while driving and now I have to face it tomorrow.



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Muteent2 t1_jdsipdm wrote

I pray I see an update tomorrow because this is sitcom level comedy/learning a lesson to be kinder 🤣🤣


OkVolume1 t1_jdsix0u wrote

Eh, your boss needs to learn the rules of the road.


umassmza t1_jdsjevj wrote

Own it, go right in and say, “Look, I was the guy you cut off this weekend at /location. My adrenaline shot right up and I didn’t realize it was you. It won’t happen again.”

If he says something about not cutting you off, just say you want to move on and forget it happened.


alexx910 t1_jdsjfwo wrote

Looking forward to the update tomorrow 😂


Tautochrone1 t1_jdslrlv wrote

Dont say "it won't happen again" if the boss actually cut you off. Say "if I had realized it was you i would not have flipped you off" and leave it at that. Boss is still in the wrong about cutting him off.


Level-Potential9182 t1_jdsvd9q wrote

Oof hopefully he doesn't bring it up, just dust under the rug and life should be fine.

But i vibe very heavily with the awkward professional phase of an early career, where everything at work just seems super professional and you're not really 'friends' with work people. Do people ever become friends with their coworkers? Sorry, not very related to this post, just curious


Professional-Ad3874 t1_jdsxspg wrote

My guess is he won't mention it and neither should you...but I guess it could go any direction. Good Luck!


hambonecharlie t1_jdt27gm wrote

Sounds like you were in the right (other than the finger flip, which you should never do). FYI, if you have credentials, marketable skills, and are a good worker, the world is your oyster.


Grantsdale t1_jdt2tab wrote

I would play it off like you did it as a joke.


OperahouseGuner t1_jdt3nmc wrote

Own up to it and tell him it was you and say his lucky he didn't want throw any hands that day


BangBangMeatMachine t1_jdta6fm wrote

Nothing to do now but switch cars with a friend for a couple weeks until this blows over. Maybe just sell your car and get a different one just to be safe.


Criaturah t1_jdtlhsc wrote

This is like all those linkedin stories 😂😂 omg


TekkerJohn t1_jdtv20a wrote

Quick, sell the car and then tell the story at work about how weird it was that the guy that bought your car could have been a brother. Just never be seen in that car again.


SSNs4evr t1_jdu2esr wrote

Say nothing. Work is work, and private life is private life. So long as you were clocked out from work when he attempted to run you down, you're good. If he brings it up, you can respectfully tell him what he did wrong. You never know....he may appreciate you speaking up when you know you're in the right.


n1n3b0y t1_jdvdezi wrote

Own it. Walk in to your boss’s Office look him in the face and flip him off