Submitted by Acceptable_Row_1560 t3_12538c3 in tifu

Actually happened on Thursday. Around 8pm I went to the gym for leg day. Started with ab exercises and on to goblet squats. After a set of lunges I started to breath heavily with my heart rate was way higher than normal. I put down the weight, and try to wait it.
I was still feeing off and so i decide to sit on the gym floor. I knew enough that once I felt normal, I was just going to call it a night there.
All of a sudden I start feeling lightheaded until eventually vomit came out.
I got up and told the employee while apologizing. I most likely ruined multiple people's nights.
I usually go ro the gym 5/6 times a week and now I haven't gone to the gym since then out of embarrassment. Every time I think about the event I feel sick.

TL;DR Went to the gym and started feeling sick after some up/down movement and eventually vomited on the gym floor. Now too embarrassed to go back



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RudeSprinkles1240 t1_je2anln wrote

It can't be too uncommon for people to vomit at the gym. You apologized, and as long as you don't make a habit of it, and try to pace yourself, stay hydrated and such, you shouldn't let it ruin your health routine. As a former nurse, I can assure you that puke happens.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_je2oftk wrote

Go back to the gym! If people remember you, then they will stay away and you will have a large area to yourself!


BummybertCrampleback t1_je2l3uf wrote

Dude, go back to the gym! You just went too hard. Next time you will know better how far you can push yourself. Of course the experience was embarrassing, but it's also not the end of world. I think most people understand that when you go beyond your limits sometimes you get sick.

Don't let this ruin the progress you have made and the discipline you have shown! What's the worst thing that can happen when you go back there? They won't kick you out. You apologized and as I said, people at gyms are empathic towards these types of ordeals. What else could happen? Some funny looks? A joke maybe? Who cares man. Turn up the music and think "fuck em" or just laugh it off. Because really my friend. This is not as big of a deal as you think it is!!!

Keep going strong!


shaggypoo t1_je2oq5a wrote

One time when I was in college I went to the gym before classes and I shit you not my piss was almost red and I threw up. Don’t push yourself too hard, it’s not worth it.


thedemonsloth t1_je2v79h wrote

Meh, it happens. Guy I work out with threw up on the first day he showed up to workout. Now he puts us all to shame.


freeman5117 t1_je2wgwu wrote

Don't worry about it and go back. You didn't really even fuck up - it's not like you went "let me throw up here and see what happens". I've vomited in very public places before. It can happen to anyone.


Raspbers t1_je31257 wrote

Almost happened to me. January 1st a few years ago, decided to try the gym for the first time on a guest pass with my sister. Didn't realize I should have adjusted weights. Fainted 3 times ( by the weights ( squat rack ) and then twice in the bathroom. ) If I wasn't vomit phobic and mind-over-matter'ed it, I would have puked too as I was gagging.

Shit happens. And more often than you think. Be more careful, hydrate, don't push yourself too hard, and eat something solid beforehand.


unepommeverte t1_je377on wrote

I did this at the pool once. First time doing basically any real workout in a year or two and only managed about 10min of laps before i had the same weird bad feeling. Luckily i managed to get out and sit in the grassy area before i was sick, so i only ruined the day of whoever cleaned it up, and didnt close the entire pool