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paluabb t1_jaxn853 wrote

Just because someone is yelling at you doesn't always mean you're wrong. Sometimes it's the yelling Internet strangers who are wrong.


ThrowAwayoof7264 OP t1_jayx7n2 wrote

Thank you. Honestly this was really confusing cause it's like, two different sides of the internet both saying completely different things. Ultimately I'm glad I apologized but I'm also glad you all showed me that I really hadn't done anything terrible either.


Dammy-J t1_jaxjeng wrote

you got yelled at by Gatekeepers.


hrfr5858 t1_jaxn7hb wrote

You were upfront about it, the only fuck up would have been if you'd pretended you wrote it. Nothing wrong with sharing your experiment with new technology 🤷‍♀️


mrmarsh25 t1_jaxnk5j wrote

It wasn't a stupid thing to do. You did nothing wrong. You sweet summer child though, all you needed to say to them was hakuna matatta, bitch.


Icarus_13310 t1_jaxkn2q wrote

I think people who are so vehemently against AI are quite frankly insane


blahbleh112233 t1_jaygumr wrote

Gatekeepers are everywhere man. Shit we even have terfs - aka women gatekeeping their own oppression


ElectroStaticSpeaker t1_jaxrgns wrote

This isn't a TIFU. This is an example of how today people are stupid on the internet.


SethMalcolm1 t1_jaz4n8n wrote

just because someone else puts in work to do something, doesn't mean you are a bad person for doing it in an easier way.


0_phuk t1_jaz5y5s wrote

I may take some flak for saying this, but I don't think you did anything wrong. You stated up front that it was AI generated. You didn't claim as a work of anything but. And you presented it as an example.

I also get why people are mad about AI generated stories. And I'm in the same camp as them. But I also know that AI is not going to go away and it's only going to get smarter. And we're going to have to figure out how to live with it.