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[deleted] t1_jcvbph8 wrote


KalessinDB t1_jcvgvdo wrote

As a spice wuss who's friends with other spice wusses, I assure you there are plenty of people who you couldn't pay to eat jalapenos.


Meggios t1_jcw6met wrote

Lol, right. I douse tacos with mild seasoning in sour cream and buffalo wings with ranch. Could not pay me enough to jalapeños.


pizzapizzamesohungry t1_jcwc8qm wrote

Yeah but like jalapeños I assume have a scoville number? But things like mashed potatoes and broccoli probably don’t? So it’s not fair to say things like jalapeños are not spicy or you don’t really like spicy food if you stop at habeneros.