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Beginning-Ad-9733 t1_je0zwil wrote

YOu dodged bullet mate - there is no fixing that kind of person. Despite what you think you have probably, in the longer term, made life easier for everyone. This has nothing to do with your being man enough to take abuse for the rest of your life - it has everything to do with the fact that a narcissist can't be fixed and will completely fuck everything around them in order to control their environment. They are pathologically insecure and very often extremely cruel.

She sounds so unstable you are, no doubt, physically safer but you need to remain emotionally safe from that type of person.

Hope your kids are going to be ok and you hang in there.


nightowl_i t1_je11b0z wrote

Wow your wife is a psycho, do you have the custody of kids? It would be really sad if they are living with their crazy mother


nnote t1_je12d1h wrote

You were diagnosed with BPD? Within moments of you describing your wife her having BPD immediately came to mind...