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horshack_test t1_jdfffay wrote

"I have a folder on my computer where I store all of my assignments , and for some reason, I accidentally selected an NSFW document instead of my lab report. "

Which class was the furry porn an assignment for?


jjenkins_41 t1_jdfgck3 wrote

Need to make a separate NSFW Assignment folder.


Vault_Master t1_jdgsazq wrote

Me too. Goodbye "Stuff," hello "NSFW ASSignment" folder.


Variuhbles t1_jdh46q1 wrote

Goodbye “ahdjsjbsbshzh”, hello “Pictures of Kittens” folder.


Theher0not t1_jdgn86w wrote

Maybe OP was taking Anthropology, thinking it was the study of anthropomorphic animals?


Ajax746 t1_jdidb7c wrote

In their defense, it might have been a situation where you download a picture or a file and you just save it to whatever file directory you last used. I've done this many times (not with anything NSFW) where I'll download something and go "Oh I'll put this file in the right place later" and never do. Then you end up with a bunch of random pics or downloads in your hw assignments folder.


LifelessHawk t1_jdikc05 wrote

Your supposed to put your porn in the homework folder and homework in the porn folder.

Very easy mistake