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Sideways-Pumpkin t1_je8fdbh wrote

Hey there, just had a home inspection done. It was great. Now we know what kind of repairs to ask for in the contract before closing. He pointed out everything that may or may not be a concern in order from most hazardous to least. I don’t know jack shit about home repairs, what a lender requires, and what kind of stuff needs to be addressed sooner rather then later. Hell, before this inspection I didn’t even know that “crickets “ were a thing for chimneys.


Ratatattat44 t1_je8yo9u wrote

All reports from an inspector will have some flavor of this. My advice is just don’t treat it like gospel.


Sideways-Pumpkin t1_je9qx3y wrote

There’s a big difference between “don’t treat it like a gospel “ and “inspections are a scam”.


Ratatattat44 t1_jea73h3 wrote

> I don’t know jack shit about home repairs

Which also means you have no idea if they missed anything... and yes, inspections are a scam. Just because there are individuals who operate in the industry who are not necessarily scammers does not mean that the industry itself is not a scam.


Ratatattat44 t1_jeabfdn wrote

I'll give you another opportunity to downvote me. IDGAF about free internet points.