Submitted by Jaz3ahm t3_1256u92 in tifu

Me and my boyfriend hang out all the time, we are almost always together. The other day, we were hanging out after his practice and watching movies, like normal. We began to play fight, nothing too serious just light punching with silly sound effects and soft shoves. It progressed into more “violent” fighting but not enough to hurt when I got on top of him and pretend to punch his face. This caused him to flinch back and hit his head pretty hard on the bed frame, and i immediately started apologizing and asking if he was fine. He just sat up and looked blankly ahead, and it began to freak me out so i got up and got water for him and suggested that he could just take me home and we could call it a night. This was when i started really worrying because he was still just staring and he said “It doesn’t hurt but i feel like i’m incapable of having emotions right now”. I didn’t know what to say so i just helped him up, asked him some questions to make sure he didn’t have a concussion and brought him to the car. When we started driving we drove in silence which was extremely unusual, and when we got to the service road I noticed that he had started to whisper to himself. I was very freaked out, since this had NEVER happened before in our year and a half of dating, and he noticed and apologized. I reassured him that it was fine, and after that he said “ my brain is just punishing me “. I was confused and asked him what he meant, and all he said was “i need you to make me tell you something when we get to your house, but i can’t tell you here, but i need to tell you”. At this point I was running through everything that he could possibly say to me, while i continued to freak out even harder. After a horrible six minutes of overthinking and silence, we finally made it to my house. Once we were in my driveway, he put both hands on the steering wheel and didn’t even look at me. I was so scared that i was on the verge of tears, and all i could say was “well?”. He looked over with the saddest look i’ve ever seen him with and he said “i’m gonna tell you something, and you can’t judge me or jump to conclusions, you just have to let me finish”. So i nodded and braced myself. Well he waited TEN minutes to say the horrid words he told me and when he said what he said we both started crying. He said “Im in love with our best friend”. I was so shocked and I didn’t know what to say, but i felt my tears rolling down my face. He started scream crying saying how he loved me too and how he was so sorry that he messed everything up and he begged me not to leave him. All i could do was cry. I remember just saying “oh god” over and over because everything made so much sense. I remembered him ignoring me for her while i was right behind them and how he would give her hugs instead of me, and how he would laugh and mess with her like we used to. I had a horrible suspicion that turned out true. He started explaining how he never saw ‘the throuple’ as a joke and how he wanted it to be true. He showed me a note he wrote to her that confessed everything, how in love he was with her. I asked some questions I probably shouldn’t have. I asked, so when we are intimate have you thought of other people? and he said yes. I asked if he had fantasized of being with them and he said yes. I asked if he had thought of leaving me and he said yes. I was so distraught that I actually threw up outside of his car. I didn’t sleep that night and the next day my other best friend came over so i could talk with her. I decided to tell the friend that he liked her over brunch and she was disgusted and pissed for me. She sent him probably hundreds of screaming voice memos saying that i didn’t deserve that and that i gave him the world and he ruined everything. I honestly wanted to die. I had never been so heartbroken. I also didn’t leave him, since he begged me on his knees,promised he’d change and gave me flowers every day of our break. Moral of the story, don’t play fight with your partner if you want to keep your healthy (or supposedly healthy ) relationship.

TL; DR I was play fighting with my bf and he hit head and started acting weird . When he took me home he told me that he was in love with our best friend.



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Naoutta_here t1_je2r6ir wrote

Girl please dump him.

Men will literally do anything to break your heart and humiliate you and then beg you on their knees to not break up with them. Please, I beg you, dump him.


imjustme8390 t1_je2s4m1 wrote

I can't get past you letting him drive you home if he was acting weird. When I had a concussion I was doing weird stuff for a couple days. I gave my son a bowl of water for dinner!


ihatemascara t1_je349nn wrote

W T F ???? umm please don’t take him back, and be cautious around that best friend….. If you can trust her great but kinda seems like over compensation to me..


TamakisBelly t1_je3ysqp wrote

You gotta bail. Have some self respect here cmon...


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