Submitted by pirouette_galipette t3_122jt7i in tifu

Hello! I fucked up bad and I'm feeling pretty dumb right now, I didn't sleep all night after what I just did. To give a bit of a context, I(20 F) am studying in animation, and I've been in this really good school for 3 and half years. I had the option to keep going and apply for the Master of this same school and that's what most of my classmates are doing, but I felt the need to go somewhere else, expand my horizons, meet new people and learn new things to get a clearer idea of what I want in my life. Also, this school is super expensive, and I would have felt bad to make my parents pay for something I wasn't even motivated enough for. So I decided to take the bet to not apply and go to another school, which is a radical decision I am not used to.

I found a school that turned out to be exactly what I was looking for. Small, cheap, with very strong values about art, scriptwriting and teamwork. This school is very difficult to get in, as it only welcomes 10 students max per year. But this made me even more motivated as it felt like they really value the applicants for their personality and creative vision. It seemed to me like a fantastic human experience to live for the next two years.

I applied, paid the fee of inscription and started preparing my portfolio, which was due on 26th of March, midnight. No files will be treated after midnight, as it said on the information sheet. It was tough to prepare a portfolio completely different from what I was used to do in school, especially since I didn't have much time and energy. But my father helped me with a lot of support, advice, especially for the motivation letter which was the main focus of the portfolio.

Now. Yesterday was the last day before the deadline, and I was sure I was doing good, taking the time to really polish my portfolio. Yet, at 11pm, 1h before the deadline, I started overthinking, having doubts over the quality and quantity of my work. At 11:30, I finally pushed myself to submit my portfolio, thinking it was over. The files were loading... And then fate decided to play a trick on me. My internet suddenly stopped working. I tried everything, using my phone as an internet source for my computer, but everything was down, I couldn't even send messages to my friends. In a panick, I tried to restart my phone, in hopes the problem would be gone...and thats when my phone decided it would be a good time to get an update. So picture me at 11:50, losing my mind over a small loading screen, crying my eyes out, to finally start the upload of the files at 11:56...only to find out the connexion was still super super slow. What should have been a 1-2 minutes upload turned out to last 20minutes. My files were eventually sent at 00:15 am, so 15minutes after the deadline. I spent the rest of the night crying, twisting my head over what happened with fatigue and migraine making it worse it felt like the longest night of my life.

All the work done for months for this school just flew away in the wind because of an internet problem. Actually, no, I understand I caused that problem for not uploading it earlier. All of this happened because i didnt trust myself with what I already had. But now that my hopes of even just being considered as a candidate by this school are very, very's really, really hard not to hate myself. It feels like I just got stuck in an alternate time-line where I'm not supposed to be. I also feel like I've let down my parents, who supported me so much during this time, and now, it feels like I messed up everything, in a matter of minutes. I don't know how to move on from that. I would have much preferred applying and not being taken than not even being able to apply. I don't know what to say to my friends, I just feel so dumb.. :(

I know that in the great scheme of Life, this is meaningless, and the consequences are minimal compared to life and death situations. But it meant a lot to me and I feel like I've just betrayed and sabotaged myself from a part of my life, with no turning back.

EDIT: I'm so so so relieved. I called the school this morning and they were very understanding and they told me it was okay! Later during the day I received the email telling me my application got confirmed ! Now, that doesn't mean that I'm in yet, but at least I have a chance, I'm so happy! Thank you everyone :)

TL;DR : TIFU by applying to the school of my dreams. While my files were uploading on their website , internet went down. I didn't make it to the deadline by 15 minutes. edit : ....but they still accepted it!



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xycr t1_jdqlykw wrote

Call the admissions office and see if someone can get your application processed anyway! Maybe you'll get a no, in which case you'll be no worse off. But maybe someone will help you for an application that was 15 minutes late if you tell them your internet connection went down then super slow. It's worth a try!


pirouette_galipette OP t1_jdqr0hx wrote

Yes, I've sent an email last night! I don't want to get my hopes up as they seemed to be very clear with the deadline, but right now, I just can't think about anything else...thank you for your words though, it helps!


MrZero3229 t1_jdrutvy wrote

Don't just send an email if there is a number you can call. People are often much more helpful in person or over the phone. If they are "bending" the rules for someone, they might not want to leave an email record of that.


pirouette_galipette OP t1_jdry1wv wrote

I'll call tomorrow in the morning! Thank you guys, I think I'll leave an update !


alman53 t1_jdse91t wrote

Do you have any proof your internet went down, perhaps you can get your service provider to send you an email confirming that the internet was down at that time?


pirouette_galipette OP t1_jdwd524 wrote

I don't but I called this morning and they told me it was okay ! I then received an email saying my submission was received so I'm very, very relieved! Now, I just have to cross my fingers and wait :)


xycr t1_jdzwiyq wrote

That's terrific! I hope you make it in!


foxytigerduckfire t1_jdqimw6 wrote

Keep the portfolio and try again next year. Also, yes, there are some very small, very exclusive animation schools. Keep building your work and keep applying to this and other schools and jobs. The right door will open for you.


HighOnGoofballs t1_jdqiha3 wrote

You can always try again next year


pirouette_galipette OP t1_jdqlizn wrote

True, and this is what I'll do, but it's really hard to believe in yourself after such a dumb least I'll learn my lesson πŸ’”


yes_its_him t1_jdqhsed wrote

A cheap school accepting only ten students sounds more like someone's hobby vs. a real school.


pirouette_galipette OP t1_jdqiki7 wrote

No, this school is a project made possible by the partnership of a lot of Cinema Associations for the past 20 years. I can assure you this school is well respected and recognized in the world of Animation! It was made by people who are not motivated by money but by the love of creation! Too bad I fucked up my application haha :')


dogsnest t1_jdrayyt wrote


A school with a million students is much, much better!


yes_its_him t1_jdreafr wrote

Or a school that could at least pay more than one faculty member.


hategirlxo t1_jds0tyk wrote

I truly believe that everything happens for a specific reason! This was meant to be and although you don’t understand it right now-it all makes sense and will lead to the perfect outcome for you. Something similar happened to me. Applying to nursing school 2 years ago I was only able to apply to two universities and denied by both. I trusted the outcome and moved on with life. Flash forward to today and I just graduated 6 months ago with my nursing degree. Appreciate that the universe has your best interest at heart and it will show you that it does! πŸ’“


pirouette_galipette OP t1_jdsqu4x wrote

I thought about this too last night, as I helplessly watched the loading screen, at one point I asked myself if it was a sign that it just wasn't the right time for me ! I do feel like a year of maturing and learning things by myself wouldn't hurt, but I suppose eitherway I'll have the final answer tomorrow morning...thank you for your words, they really really help!πŸ’“


[deleted] t1_jedztfk wrote



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Blafeef t1_jdyfz4m wrote

Hi! I'm someone who's been trying to find good resources for animation education for a long time now, and it's been difficult to find programs like the one you're describing that aren't just extremely general courses with limited skill building. If you're comfortable, do you think you could share the name of the program? It would be nice to look into more specialized options for animation learning that isn't trapped on the internet. Regardless, good luck on your application!


[deleted] t1_jdvqifs wrote

Why did you wait until almost the last minute to submit? I don’t understand that. The absolute latest I would have submitted that would have been first thing in the morning on the day it was due.


pirouette_galipette OP t1_jdw2ni6 wrote

I could give you a million reasons (lack of confidence in my work, trying to polish it until the last minute) and the conclusion would be the same: yes, it was dumb and unreasonable. People make mistakes, that's what this subreddit is about ! I learned my lesson the hard way, and I won't do it again...