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Lol I also had to rock child eyepatch because I was running around and ran eye first into a lit cigarette. Fully functional vision and no scarring or marks on my eye thankfully.


Setthegodofchaos t1_jdakgpv wrote

How in the ever loving fuck.....?! You're extremely lucky to keep your eye and vision intact.



Yeah it didn't hit me on the iris or pupil area I guess, was very lucky. I'll ask my parents about it in the morning as I was very young when this happened and the memory of the day is quite fuzzy. But I remember running around while my parents were outside chatting and smoking, someone had their arm hanging out over the arm rest in the patio chair, and I just ran face first into the lit cigarette.

E: just talked to dad. Idk how I even remember this, but apparently I was only about 2 or 3 yrs old, and yeah, I just ran face first into his lit cigarette. Superficial damage only, but made himself feel absolutely terrible thinking he'd blinded me lol.