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fredsam25 t1_jbt5qwm wrote

TIL I never thought about female animals having periods. That's wild.


Toxilyn OP t1_jbt6jlo wrote

Yep! There even exist doggy panties with a hole for her tail. And you can cut up small human pads and put them into the panties to catch the blood. We usually do this when she is in heat. But we didn't realize she had gotten into heat till probably the day after when we found blood spots around the house. I mean she can't exactly tell us she has it. So you just got to keep an eye out for it.


fredsam25 t1_jbt7jpi wrote

Like, I knew about animals going into heat. I just didn't mentally connect it with menstruation. Does this mean most female mammals are out there, in need of period panties?


aasdfhdjkkl t1_jbu0sxp wrote

Dogs do not have a menstrual cycle. Sometimes they bleed when they go into heat. It's generally less blood than a human period. And heat is actually the opposite of menstruation. Heat occurs around ovulation, which for humans happens around the middle of the menstrual cycle (approximately 2 weeks after the first day of bleeding for someone with a regular 28 day cycle).


Toxilyn OP t1_jbt7v0a wrote

If you read the wiki I sent you. Actually no. Most animals don't. But dogs have a type of bleeding attached to their heat. That isn't the exact same as humans menstruation. I didn't even know this. But growing up with female dogs and also breeding them. I have always found it natural that they did it.
