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rtosser t1_j7mynkt wrote

This used to be a problem at my old job. Not because they needed to send shit to everyone but because they could and people are lazy. We eventually locked down the distros so regular people couldn't spam the whole firm.


2019calendaryear t1_j7nnjau wrote

If a company doesn't have their distro lists locked down, then this kind of FU is on the company and not the individual. So dumb


Bigfops t1_j7nyszk wrote

Yeah, but the clue is in the post. All our dust rod are locked down except to CEO, HR and Marketing. Marketing because the execs use them to create official company communications.


rbnhd_f t1_j7nt02b wrote

I consulted at a medium-size company (few thousand users) that had to do this because people we spamming the list to sell their Tupperware or other MLM schemes.