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toomany2hats t1_j9d7d17 wrote

Modern gas pumps are designed with a mechanism for the hose to break away for this exact reason. Good on you for doing the right thing, though I don't agree with the whole driving while high part.


AletzRC21 t1_j9fn24m wrote

So it's become so common that the manufacturers have to dumbass-proof them? Awesome 🤣


KingCobra51 t1_j9ggphe wrote

So many things are dumb proofed. It just doesn't catch our attention because we are used to them


blindvernie t1_j9l9u0n wrote

There’s a lot of dumbasses driving not being buzzed. Way too many


blindvernie t1_j9l9g8p wrote

He could have done the same thing without being stoned. It happens. The op could have had something going on and just wasn’t thing at the time. A cpl dabs isn’t shit. Just think of all the drunks that are on the road. Weed is not as bad as alcohol. And the bonus is you don’t act a fool and be a total dick smoking pot or doing a cpl dabs


toomany2hats t1_j9ljl6g wrote

Writing "my brain must've still been fuzzy" is a qualifying statement, so by OPs own admission it still had an effect.

I never posted anything about the strength of a couple dabs, or compared alcohol to marijuana. Whatever point you are trying to make has nothing at all to do with my prior post.