As the owner of a penis, I've maintained a reasonable confidence in knowing what a penis looks like. This doesn't just apply to human male genitalia, but animals too. I've had several male pets, mostly dogs, but also a turtle who I had to read a book on how to sex, and I had family that owned horses. Furthermore, being a married man in my mid-late 20s, I'm reasonably confident in what a vagina looks like and have been for some time.
I, however, was very wrong.
My wife and I got married in 2016, and a month later we adopted a cat that we named Nala. She was thrown out by her previous owners who said they had her fixed but didn't want her anymore. I immediately got attached and called her my pretty pretty princess.
Fast forward to today and I not only have Nala but two other female cats I got spayed named Suki and Katara, a male dog we're intending on breeding, and 3 children (all boys). I still feel relatively safe with their sex, but Nala was injured in the past couple of days and we found large open blisters on her tail today. I took her to the vet and everything was normal other than the scratches. The vet took her to give her a shot to stop bacterial growth and any potential infection and comes back and gives me the news.
I don't know how to sex a cat. Nala is a male.
To say the least I was confused. He has a vagina! After several minutes of confused laughter and stammering I demanded to see the cat penis. Nala was flipped over and I was shown the urinary tract opening that I thought was a vagina. Nala grew agitated so I couldn't be shown more, but immediately called my wife on the way home.
As it turns out, cat penises when neutered look a lot like vaginas. The difference for a grown cat between male and female is about half an inch. The actual penis ends up coming out of the slit when aroused, but otherwise looks very similar to a vagina, other than being about half an inch lower from the anus.
Needless to say I immediately flipped the other two cats when I got home - much to their chagrin. Sure enough, there is a notable difference in distance between Nala's Anus and Penis compared to the other cats Anus and Vaginas.
TL;DR: I thought I knew what a penis looked like and have been misgendering my cat for 7 years. He doesn't seem to care though.
dainty_dryad t1_j9mpz86 wrote
Suki and Katara. Great names. Great characters. Love the ATLA references.
Had you never taken Nala to the vet in the 7 years you had him? How did you now know!? Lol
Will his tail be okay? I hope everything heals up okay! My baby girl had an infected tail wound back in autumn and it was pretty hard on her.