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Splyce123 t1_j9hnslq wrote

You sound like an absolute prick.


rickjko t1_j9hnsl3 wrote

Ok Tate Junior we now all know how pathetic you are.


Omnomnomics t1_j9ho3zt wrote

Nobody get's you because you're a complete douchebag.


mkonu t1_j9hoc0o wrote

You are immature. Life will straighten you out.


hacktheself t1_j9hoc36 wrote

so you don’t view her as a human.


you choose to live by deception.

may you live a long, dull, boring, lonely life.


ozzy1289 t1_j9hp4xo wrote

She should leave you as she sounds too nice and caring while youre using her selfishly. Imo if you dont leave her its because youre an incel too worried you cant find another so you trap and abuse this poor woman who probably doesnt have enough self esteem to find someone better for herself. Best wishes for her but you on the other hand... im sure youll get what you deserve...


Pochusaurus t1_j9hp6u3 wrote

Years from now, if your intelligence, as you claim, transforms into wisdom, you will cringe at yourself


dbees t1_j9hpafs wrote

People don't get you? Weird.


rowraft t1_j9hpgfu wrote

This is very good satire


dirtysoupstains t1_j9hpkhh wrote

You are scum … save this post and read it when your become a real human


egnards t1_j9hpuzk wrote

The cringe is strong with this Incel.


Anxious_Light_1808 t1_j9hpzpd wrote


I hope she leaves your stupid ass.

This hasngot to be tiktok bait.


G7umpy_Fac3 t1_j9hq0ly wrote

Nah it doesn't. You can point at someone taking a shit in a shop doorway and say "they're a prick" without shitting in a doorway yourself.

Read your own TLDR as to why you're an unpleasant person who should reconsider whether or not posting such things is a useful application of our short time on earth.


ozzy1289 t1_j9hq66f wrote

Im 25 and been in the same relationship for 4+ years now. You deserve someone who talks about you how you talk about them and your language and manner of speaking is very disrespectful to her. All i know about your situation is i feel bad for that poor woman after reading your post. Someone please help her.


SuicidalTurnip t1_j9hqapj wrote

Good satire tends to be subtle, this is just painful to read.

C-, needs to be a bit more imaginative with their creative writing and let subtext do the work instead of spelling everything out.


LackTails t1_j9hqao3 wrote

This guy sounds like an asshole


TallySnow t1_j9hqfcd wrote

Im convinced this is a shitpost. At least I truly hope this is, losing faith in humanity if it is legit.


Zealousideal-Way-838 t1_j9hqh12 wrote


Tldr; I'm a neck beard complete with superiority complex, fedora, and disrespect of women- OP


michelles31 t1_j9hqnqi wrote

Maybe this should be in AITA.... and yes, you are. Grow up.


shocky32 t1_j9hrdcs wrote

Amazing how many people can't detect a shitpost


WhatANiceCerealBox11 t1_j9hrdsw wrote

You sound like one of the most insecure people on the planet. Don’t really care whether you believe in religion or not, you sound like one dumb motherfucker lmao


Matchbreakers t1_j9hrjmb wrote

That’s some particularly low quality bait that not even the most bottom dwelling of fish would bite. Next time make it less obvious by employing some writing skill.


DarlingDevilPaw t1_j9hrqf3 wrote

When you post your story two times before finally learning how to read the bot message. I'd call you stupid but I think you're beyond that.


Similar_Corner8081 t1_j9htkn0 wrote

Yeah I would tell you to fuck all the way off!!! Why didn’t your parents raise you to respect women? I hope she dumps you. She deserves better.


GreenIrish99 t1_j9hu0gd wrote

I think OP deleted his account because I can't click on his u/ and this post doesn't show the content anymore, does anybody has what he said in the post?


Underworld_Denizen t1_j9ievyp wrote

I don't think that she's going to be your girlfriend for much longer.


[deleted] t1_j9j66s5 wrote

Can legit confirm this happened. I was the pancakes.