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ThornaBld t1_j7xa2gv wrote

What you are doing in this thread. Bye bye now.


ggigfad5 t1_j7xag89 wrote

Lol. Get a life. You have no idea what you are talking about because you are too invested in this for some reason.


ThornaBld t1_j7xalrg wrote

Says the person vehemently defending an owners willful negligent of their pet


ggigfad5 t1_j7xaxh5 wrote

Oh, this should be a good thread: why do you think the owner neglected their cat?

Try not to use the reddit cliches of "but cats belong indoors" etc. I'm curious if your brain can come up with anything else.


ThornaBld t1_j7xb327 wrote

The dude abandoned the cat for three wholes ass days without checking on it. But sure play dumb, or are you not playing?


ggigfad5 t1_j7xb778 wrote

Oh come on - now you are making things up.

Try again.


ThornaBld t1_j7xbc20 wrote

I’ve had cats my whole life, I currently have three, this is neglect and any shelter worth it’s salt would never allow op to adopt another one


ggigfad5 t1_j7xbk7d wrote

OP didn't say they left their cat for 3 days.


ThornaBld t1_j7xbmkc wrote

They did in their original post


ggigfad5 t1_j7xbtr6 wrote

Lol. Get a life. You went and snooped OP's post history for more facts so you could justify why you feel good about their cat dying.

I'm blocking you.