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ExoticButters79 t1_j7vpbb8 wrote

You are totally the asshole. The people on here saying you are not are as selfish as you are. Was he wrong for leaving out antifreeze? He'll yes he was. Who doesn't know antifreeze kills? Sadly your cat died. But it was a cat. You most likely, illegally, tortured your neighbor resulting in the person having a mental break down, being involuntarily committed and now facing being homeless, or at best, out a lot of money and far less favorable living conditions due to the eviction. You should be wholly ashamed of your actions and if you had even a small amount of decency, you would confess what you did and at least try to help keep him from being evicted if not more. Selfish fucking people.


drdickemdown11 t1_j7vrrtt wrote

Seriously and OP is disregarding her own culpability in these series of events. If you know you had to tell your neighbors 4 times to put away anti-freeze, then why do you continue to let your cat out unattended? Who knows if this guy had the stuff in his garage and didn't expect someone else's animal to be in there?


MATrouble t1_j7wgi41 wrote

Absolute agreement. You're a fucking monster. Weird ass fucking asshole. GO AND MAKE THIS RIGHT! You owe that man a debt and need to do something to redeem this awful shit you pulled.


wastingtimaway OP t1_j7vrekm wrote

I understand your pov and agree with it.

I do not know what the next step is and I did not plan for it to be taken this far.


coldbrew18 t1_j7w1vgf wrote

If you confess you’ll be opening yourself up to legal and civil liability, but you’ll remove some of your bad karma.



wastingtimaway OP t1_j7w1zia wrote

another reason I am on reddit and not there.


mikeschmidt1 t1_j7w6zk5 wrote

So you're cool with potentially ruining this guys life?


ggigfad5 t1_j7w9f3t wrote

He ruined it himself. She didn’t make him destroy his duplex; he did that.


foxy-bb t1_j7weqde wrote

He wouldn't have done that if she didn't drive him to a mental breakdown??? Wtf lol what a fucking delusional take


ThornaBld t1_j7x8xv6 wrote

No he didn’t, not morally and ESPECIALLY not legally. Op is fully responsible for ruining this man’s life because op couldn’t be a responsible pet owner in the slightest


ggigfad5 t1_j7x9oo3 wrote

How is what happened not legal? Man ruined his own life by getting bothered by cat noises.


ThornaBld t1_j7x9yt4 wrote

No he didn’t, op decided to intentionally gaslight and drive a man insane because they couldn’t bother to be a responsible owner. That is not legal and I hope the neighbor sues op for all he can. Op and those defending them are sick. Get help.


ggigfad5 t1_j7xadg6 wrote

Lol. It is very legal. Ethical, maybe not. Legal, yes.

Show me the law it breaks.


ThornaBld t1_j7xaip9 wrote

Harassment laws for one


ggigfad5 t1_j7xaq6s wrote

Nope - try again. Playing cat sounds (or music for that matter) in your own home that others happen to overhear is not harassment.


ThornaBld t1_j7xawtk wrote

Purposely being dense and obtuse is not a good look.


ggigfad5 t1_j7xazu5 wrote

Lol. So you have nothing.

Got it.


ThornaBld t1_j7xb91n wrote

No, you’re just a dumb ass that could be sued, lose, then claim you did nothing wrong. So why bother. Purposely driving someone insane- op admitted it was intentionally done- is illegal and at a MINIMUM is harassment… they even went to the neighbors house


ggigfad5 t1_j7xbe18 wrote

Go on, how can I be sued. You are starting to become more unhinged than usual.

Any lawyer would laugh you out of their office if you tried to make a harassment case.


ThornaBld t1_j7xbj25 wrote

Already did, not my fault you have the intelligence of a walnut and couldn’t comprehend it.


ggigfad5 t1_j7xbsjc wrote

already did what? Your anger at me is making you sloppy in your arguments.

How can I be sued?


Successful-Actuary52 t1_j8gtpds wrote

Because he thought he was having a mental break down with there being. Cat in the wall—


ivh016 t1_j7wn9y4 wrote

I really hope they stumble upon your post and somehow are able to sue you. You bastard


ExoticButters79 t1_j7we40r wrote

Wow! after reading some of your other versions of this story... lmao. There is no version you can tell that will make you sound better


jumaba86 t1_j7w5vt2 wrote

Maybe confessing to your former neighbor? Then a mental health check up for yourself. I wish you and your old neighbor the best.


Successful-Actuary52 t1_j8gtlod wrote

Be honest with your landlord and be honest with your neighbors kid—-then go to therapy. Fuck —-