Submitted by PaxG0ldc0re t3_111kjbe in tifu

Title says it all. My stepdad got me a safety razor for my 18th birthday because I always thought they looked cool. I don’t think I expressed any interest in learning how to use one other than, “The videos on TikTok make it look easy and cool,” but he still got me a nice $55 kit for my birthday. After getting out of the shower today, I realized that I didn’t have any razor carts in the drawer and I needed to shave. Then I remembered, “I could try that safety razor.” After looking up how to load it, I just assumed it was like a normal razor and applied my shaving cream and the first few strokes went great. Definitely felt strange having a single razor, but it was fine. Then, it caught just off the edge of my lip and sliced the bitch open, bleeding all down my chin and all over the sink and floor. For ten minutes, I’m trying to stop the bleeding from that cut by lip and a smaller one that I didn’t even know happened. 15 minutes later, both cuts stop bleeding and I just abandon the shave and went to the store to buy more cartridges. Definitely not my proudest moment.

TLDR: I used a safety razor and sliced my face because I didn’t use it right.



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AdministrativePace14 t1_j8fbimq wrote

Those things are mean as hell, and completely misnamed.


LimeblueNostos t1_j8fr3bt wrote

I mean, if they slip, the cut isn't as deep as a straight razor might be


HabreCadavre t1_j8ir25y wrote

I don't really understand the safety razor hate. I have been shaving with them for a few years now. There definitely was a learning curve, but I mess up my face way less now than I ever did with cartridges. The blades are also 100% recyclable, which is a nice bonus.


tkrr t1_j8fsrwt wrote

“Safety” is a relative term. And a grotesquely outdated one.

You know what those blades are good for? Making bread.


RavynRydge666 t1_j8gyhbf wrote

Those blades just take up space in my medicine cabinet next to my ssri's lol. I don't own the handle part though.