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JuxtaPissEngine t1_j8zaw0e wrote

You got the squirrel on the head... Being the "funny one" is just being able to articulate the absurdity of, well, society - I would say - life - but that's not very accurate. Life be what it be - societies make shit weird. But yeah ppl think I'm just "naturally talented" at making a dark joke out of everything - no, y'all taught me this. But the cost is tremendous.
They need a voice of reason veiled in a joke - we need a shoulder to cry on - bc we can see how fucked up everything is but we can't do anything about it... So, just make a joke.


AccentFiend t1_j8zq38o wrote

Iā€™m getting squirrels now, eh? Just call me Katniss and light me on fire šŸ˜‰


JuxtaPissEngine t1_j8zv7zl wrote

You got the joke - congrats, you get life - now you hafta deal with it... (What's the best way to keep a baby from running around a circle?) But yes, self immolation seems as good a way as any. I wouldn't know - I've never died before... Or, have I?