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link667 t1_j80con0 wrote

Wtf is wrong with you? If you don't like the way someone is, then don't date them and scare them. It's none of your business how she likes to handle herself, and you should never force her to do anything that she isn't comfortable with.


JackolopesWithAir t1_j80ctcx wrote

Holy fuck dude, please stop. Clearly she doesn't like what you're doing and you're doing it anyways. Forcefully undressing her? Forcing her to do what you want with the threat of breakup? This is incredibly manipulative behavior. What kind of right do you have to decide if she wants to dress in jeans and sweatshirts?

If you love this woman, you need to apologize right fucking now, the things you've already described are incredibly bright red flags. Seriously, it is wrong to keep treating her like you have been.


shrimpely t1_j80cyls wrote

You are a walking 🚩. Poor girl.


LeafRivers t1_j80etuz wrote

She's not a just a tomboy. Aside from that, you've already crossed the line. Her/his recovery/transition/whatever is gonna require you not being there.


Slash_Raptor92 t1_j80ey99 wrote

How would you feel if she forced you to wear a dress or break up with you? Or withheld sex until you acted more feminine? That's horrible!

If she makes you happy, why do you feel the need to change anything about her? The way she dresses and behaves is an intrinsic part of her very being.


hmbritt t1_j80ga03 wrote

I don't know, it sounds more like you open up old wounds from something that happened to her in her past. Someone may have hurt her in a sexual way, and what you did triggered those memories. Now those memories are fresh at the surface, and you're her source of fear right now because of that.

I get the way she was when you first got together didn't bother you. And over time after everyone throwing it in your face, things get old and you want them to change...

There's not enough info here to know exactly what went down. But if you are a good guy, and care about her, I suggest sitting down and talking to her.

Although I wouldn't mention you think she was sexually assaulted or anything, is she hasn't brought that up. But let her know you would never hurt her, if you truly wouldn't.

Whatever the outcome, I hope she's okay and gets over this.


Ai_of_Vanity t1_j80gbtv wrote

Dude you're a piece of shit. You assaulted your girlfriend.


GsTSaien t1_j80h6k6 wrote

You are a piece of shit. You coerced her and forcefully undressed her (sexual assault)

I hope she runs and never looks back. If you want someone more feminine to protect your stupid masculinity, date someone else instead of forcing it on someone else.

You have traumatized her and abused her. If you care about her at all, apologize, leave, and never contact her again.


krba201076 t1_j80ia4t wrote

accept her as she is or carry your ass.


Perfect_Judge t1_j80imun wrote

Run Yuna, run!

You're a red flag with legs, my dude.


Empire2k5 t1_j80jql1 wrote

This better be bait. No way can this be real, if so your a very shitty person.


Local_Economy t1_j80lql8 wrote

Sounds like she needs a decent human being, please dismiss yourself


Worst_Player_Ever t1_j80mtil wrote

So you are trying to change who she is and on top of that you force things to her and also threat with break-up?

Yeah, you're truly magnificent


ninja-boobies t1_j80og2d wrote

you cant change people for your own liking that’s selfish, and threatening to break up with somebody if they don’t wear something THEY DONT WANT TO us ridiculous. you are abusive


yunkichi t1_j80oodk wrote

Congratulations you are soon to be single.


elizabethjanet t1_j80ynqr wrote

So, because your friends make fun of you you decided that the girlfriend you were previously happy about, is now not good enough?



AVBforPrez t1_j811smz wrote

You're an asshole and if she doesn't break up with you, she should. Demanding that she wear a dress and saying, how fucking lame.

Love her as she is or leave. How do you not see how big of a dick you are?


apextek t1_j818mwf wrote

The behavior is making her feel like a kept woman and violates her independence. Let her do what she pleases. And give her space, let her know you understand you have violated her space and you want to be more respectful of her views. and apologize like you mean it.


oneilmatt t1_j81ayak wrote

These threads are always a good litmus test for IQ. Anyone who believes this is real needs to be in some sort of assisted living facility


Cxlow91 t1_j81cofj wrote

I also try to change how people naturally are so I can satisfy my random expectations


marqui444 t1_j81dd3v wrote

You are an abusive sack of shit


GG1312 t1_j81fwrd wrote

You are an abusive, manipulative, condescending, and narcissistic piece of shit.

Even if this is bait or not.


SnivyEyes t1_j81g4sw wrote

Quit trying to change someone and forcing them to be someone who they aren’t. Learn to be happy with someone the way they are. Also, thanks for your GFs service to this country. Let her be who she wants to be!


whiskeytown79 t1_j81ggew wrote

>and told her that I would break up with her if she didn't wear the dress

Jesus christ dude.. you need to leave her for her own sake, you are controlling and abusive.


rcbake t1_j81h93q wrote

This is some weeb fantasy isn’t it


thehumblebaboon t1_j81nanq wrote

Sounds like this isn’t a real post my man. If it is, you need help.

More likely than not this is a bad writing exercise meant to rage bait. Which is sadly pathetic more than anything.


LeafRivers t1_j82215t wrote

Nobody gives a fuck what they are but them. Leave it to them to worry bout that shit. Not you.


CompetitiveDog7392 t1_j8251dy wrote

this feels like it’s not true but in case it is well u fucked up , u already knew that’s how she likes to dress and that’s what she likes and u were perfectly happy till someone else supposedly told u that she wears the pants. Don’t listen to other people just do ur own thing do what makes u happy and don’t change an important person in ur life just to make others happy


FreQRiDeR t1_j829e04 wrote

Tell us what really happened, she kicked ur ass then got the strap-on...


nah-knee t1_j82h4af wrote

(If this is real) aside from the smoking bro had a hot tomboy gf and tried to change her, smh


ElectroStaticSpeaker t1_j82l0vr wrote

Maybe you should date your friends instead since their opinion matters so much.


gwyndyn t1_j82lo2g wrote

If this is real then you assaulted her and I hope she leaves you and reports you.


Lem0n_Lem0n t1_j82n3mg wrote

Time to break out the lube and let the 'man' of the relationship do the pegging that OP deserves.. lol