Submitted by Abubakar_98727 t3_1199dpw in tifu

Me 16 year old (m) grabbed my mums dove medium to dark all skin types from the bathroom cabinet thinking it's just a body wash. Well I was wrong it's fake tan....

Used it in shower, got out and go to bed. Wake up get dressed noticed face is tanner than usual feel confident as I also just go my haircut. Walk into school.

My mate: Yo wtf are you wearing makeup? Me: No why wtf you on about? My mate: There's a tan line that stops at your chin and parts of your face is orange......

Only a couple people noticed and asked if I was doing sun beds. Used baby oil to try and get rid of it on my face. Also on my arms but not noticeable with my uniform on... any tips to remove it? Baby oil only worked abit.

I really can't believe it I don't even wanna go to school tomorrow if I wake up and it's still on. Man hood is gone lol and l'm lost as I have no idea how to get this off. Google and YouTube isn't much help with this product and just tells me to use baby oil tho it doesn't really seem to be working that well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

TL;DR I accidentally used fake tan went to school and have no idea how to remove it



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Zaknafeyn t1_j9me4a0 wrote

Bro just own it, if you laugh about it first, people won't make fun as much.

You have a hell of a story here especially in the high school setting, I say you go for it


Abubakar_98727 OP t1_j9meb8s wrote

Yeah it’s funny like dont get be wrong. I’m just raging still lol


NYX_T_RYX t1_j9nuqm1 wrote

At the risk of putting out an unpopular opinion... Have you considered just going all in? Tan the bits that aren't covered properly then just let it fade, instead of trying to get it off which could very easily end with it looking far worse


Slash_Raptor92 t1_j9l4tmq wrote

I counted to five Mississippily.

Mississippily? No, I just said to count to five.



littlebigeric t1_j9m8r4v wrote

He’s 16 mate. It’s not a surprise he doesn’t know a Friends reference. Lol. We’re all showing our age!


NYX_T_RYX t1_j9nunv1 wrote

As a 26 year old I keep getting told I have no rights to know this... But my god the show is still good even now.

Yeah okay a lot of it's dated (especially the s1/2 lesbian "jokes") but still easy watching with some very good quotes.


poesmuse t1_j9n9fcy wrote

Best comment of all time.


Slash_Raptor92 t1_j9n9wp3 wrote

How dark do you want to go? We have 1, 2 and 3.

Well I like how you look, what are you?

Puerto Rican.

Let's go with 2.


BrinnaBlaine t1_j9nhdr4 wrote

I second dawn dish soap, particularly the power clean (I think it’s just called Dawn extra strength or something now). I’ve dyed my own hair for over 15 years, think blue, pink, green, purple. And I used to use Splat hair dye (I know better now 🤣). That stuff stains EVERYTHING!

The only way to get it off without scrubbing myself sore was to put the soap on the skin like I was putting on lotion, let it sit for 5 min, then wash it off with a washcloth. Worked like a charm!

Good luck!

And even if you don’t use the story, while you’re in high school, it’ll be gold when you’re older, especially with dating. Most of us want someone who can make us laugh. 😁


jaymurray447 t1_j9n0lzo wrote

So if it’s a spray tan, and it’s been 24hrs, you’ll have to sit it out. My best advice would be using dawn dish soap instead of regular soap to scrub that area down when you shower. It might help by a couple days, and if it isn’t that noticeable at the moment it should be gone in 3-5 days. I tried to do a spray tan and turned myself completely orange as a teen! It was gone within a week everywhere. Less noticeable after 2-3 days using dawn dish soap.


jaymurray447 t1_j9n0y0g wrote

Also gently scrub with a loofah. You’re pretty much gonna be stuck with it until that layer of skin comes off. A spray tan if it’s set is basically a “skin tint”


ladyorthetiger0 t1_j9m6v77 wrote

Google says to mix a little lemon juice with the baby oil, let it soak into your skin for 5 minutes before wiping off with a wet cloth.


Abubakar_98727 OP t1_j9m8uk5 wrote

Tried that there now my face is now very red and itchy and sore…


ciskram t1_j9p7fg3 wrote

Pleaseee dont use lemon juice. If your skin get any sunlight with lemon juice it will leave a mark for life.


ExternalScary9392 t1_j9n9wbn wrote

Dawn dish soap & an exfoliating scrub/loofah. You gotta get the layer of tinted skin off


Head-Investment-8462 t1_j9ormcd wrote

Try an exfoliant as well as dish soap. Like a sugar scrub. So sorry, but this did make me giggle. Best wishes.


I_Need_Leaded_GAS t1_j9phld1 wrote

Funny how everything is a disaster when you are in High School like it’s the end of the world.


Abubakar_98727 OP t1_j9pjcyg wrote

It is in mg school lol. But nobody noticed today it sorta faded after I put lemon juice and baby oil to fade it abit so it’s not 100% gone but there’s no tan lines now


phoenixstew t1_j9nx63q wrote

Finish the job and even it out?


procastinator-inator t1_j9qyedk wrote

I used tan this summer and hated it, I found that the best way to remove it, at least on my body, was exfoliation, it helps take off your dead skin so the tan also starts to go away, so when you shower, exfoliate your skin, an exfoliation glove or something works wonders.


Piggypogdog t1_j9sv6es wrote

Tell them at school you creating a story for your kids. In years to come. Then say Beat that