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Liveware_Failure t1_jacszpv wrote

The best thing you can do for your daughter is remove yourself from her life.

You don't care about anyone but yourself, if you did then you wouldn't have acted like you have then posted the most cringe thing I've read on this sub seeking sone kind of permission or forgiveness for the next awful move you're making.

You would be the worst role model for your child imagineable, so don't be, financially support your soon to be ex wife, and let them try and rebuild a healthy life without you in it.

And get therapy


Odd_Ad_5639 OP t1_jacytn7 wrote

My actions certainly point that way. You’re probably right.

I can’t ever fix this situation but I can do the best I can to provide the best for my daughter. I hate that it will hurt my wife more but I don’t think she’ll have the means or the time to raise 1 let alone 2 children. She’ll just scrape by


AnimatorDifferent116 t1_jad1sfc wrote

Howcome two?


Odd_Ad_5639 OP t1_jad2ioe wrote

She’s now pregnant


AnimatorDifferent116 t1_jad3b40 wrote

Ooofff... and the FU is getting even bigger. How far is her home country? Honestly, I would let her go and financially support her and would ask to have the kids over the summer as well as Christmas holidays.


Odd_Ad_5639 OP t1_jad3g7f wrote

Home country is a 13 hour flight away. Zero chance of contact if she leaves the country, let alone any kind of custody arrangement


AnimatorDifferent116 t1_jad47qr wrote

Anyway, you can't have a newborn separated from her mom... so you have to find a way to make it work. 13 hours twice a year is doable


Odd_Ad_5639 OP t1_jad4ot4 wrote

I would make it work if I could, but it won’t be possible. That is definitely off the table


AnimatorDifferent116 t1_jad547w wrote

So the only option is to pay her good alimony and child support so she can stay here where you are, and you'll get sufficient visitation rights. You can't have it both ways.


Odd_Ad_5639 OP t1_jad5hhu wrote

She won’t stay here no matter what I pay her. She is 100% returning to her home country


BeckyW77 t1_jaea1pv wrote

You cheated on her when she was pregnant? WTF, dude? Not one of your actions shows that you truly love your wife or your child(ren). Even you saying that you can raise your child(ren) better is just you wanting to have your own way.


Odd_Ad_5639 OP t1_jaealef wrote

I cheated 5 months ago. She has since become pregnant. She wasn’t pregnant when I cheated
