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letmeseesubreddits t1_j7znfl6 wrote

i talked about that with my mom earlier. i was wondering why she didn’t do the same but i guess in her defense they are the people who adopted her and gave her at least a somewhat better life than she could have had. maybe she knew something i don’t. i have no idea


Depressaccount t1_j80bvw0 wrote

She doesn’t want to rock the boat. Afraid of conflict.

There’s a book called “set boundaries, find peace” you might find helpful. Very how-to/example-oriented.


Coral2Reef t1_j80lozn wrote

Your mother's adopted parents continue to exercise control over her adult life and have displayed that they intend to do the same to you?

Look, OP, I don't say this kind of thing often, but when you turn 18, I think you need to get the fuck out of there.