Submitted by acharismaticjeweller t3_115bnal in tifu

My mind is constantly haunted by the cringe of my past.

I was having a casual conversation with one of my friends recently during which she said a single word that triggered a rush of embarrassing memories into my mind's eye. I had to take a break in the middle of a sentence, press my fingers against my temples, and allow them to pass through before I could engage in conversation again. She asked me what I was doing, and I didn't know how to explain myself. All I said in response was "bad thoughts".

This has been happening more and more lately, and it's those same memories that rush to the forefront of my mind when I close my eyes to sleep at night. I'm constantly beaten down by the flood of recollections of my past: mishandled social interactions, awful decisions, and the thought of who I once was. It makes me want to slam my head against a wall until I black out. I need a place to express myself, so forgive me for using this place like a confessional booth at a church. I'm now going to narrate a story that's burdened my soul for a long time, in the hopes that it will alleviate my mind in some way:

There was an inter-class competition in my college organized by one of the many student councils. It was related to the business stream, and there would be 10 rounds for each of the different areas of commerce like Management, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Marketing, etc. This competition that I signed up for because I thought it would look good on my resume, was a breeding ground for some of the most embarrassing memories of my life.

Let me state right off the bat that I was in over my head. I never planned on winning. My goal was simply to participate regardless of my general incompetence and immaturity. Before the rounds for the 'management' part of the competition began, we were asked to take a general aptitude test, the point of which I thought was to straight away eliminate unfit candidates. It was a mixture of verbal, math, personality, and logic questions. After a certain point in the process of writing the test, I realized that my chances of getting to participate are slim to none. So I started to do one of my favorite things to do: self-sabotage.

I don't know why my juvenile brain works this way, but when I know that something isn't going well, I like to self-sabotage and make things worse for myself. It's my way of extracting a little bit of fun out of a hopeless situation. After I answered all the questions that I thought I knew the answer to, I filled the rest of the paper with joke responses and wacky doodles. I submitted my answer sheet, and that was that. I just thought I'd never have to think about it again.

After a while, I got to know that I was selected for the first round of 'management' which was supposed to be a personal interview. I couldn't believe it, but I assumed my non-joke-responses is what got my foot in the door. I also assumed that the interview would be something simple, like one where they ask me basic questions about my background, academics, or accomplishments. That was generally my experience with student council interviews up until that point.

On the day of my interview, when I walked in and sat in front of the six interviewers (who were just my seniors in the last year of their undergraduate degree), much to my horror, they took out the answer sheet of the test I wrote. I immediately realized at that moment that the whole point of the interview would be to follow up on the answers that I gave on the test that I thought would never come back to bite me in the ass. Go figure.

Now I don't even know how to begin describing the intense stupidity of the next couple of minutes. Bear with me, because we're entering optimum levels of cringe.

One of the first questions they asked me was "What movie title best describes who you'll become in the future?" The answer that I wrote for this was "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" ... *which wasn't even fucking funny*. It's the most obvious joke that anyone could've made. I probably stopped thinking at that point during the exam and was writing whatever popped into my head. The interviewers then asked me why I wrote that as my response.

The obvious thing to do would have been just to claim that it was a joke. But that's not what I did. I started to explain how I'm unsuccessful with women. I'd like to remind you that this is happening in front of a group of students who are only two years older than me.

I was speaking at length, in a professional interview, about how I've never been good at interacting with members of the opposite sex. Holy shit.

But it gets worse...

They then proceeded to one of the next questions that asked something like - "which would reach the ground faster when dropped, an egg or a feather?" I don't remember what I wrote as the answer, but I remember it was correct because I've heard that question before. Unfortunately, I also drew an unsolicited illustration of an egg and a feather dropping to amuse myself. When they pointed it out to me, I told them that I just did that to make whoever was reading the paper laugh. They proceeded to explain to me how unfunny I was.

They then asked me if I had any extra-curricular achievements. I mentioned that I had a green belt in Karate (which isn't impressive at all, but I assumed they wouldn't know that). They then asked me why I didn't master the sport. I did a very poor job of explaining how Karate is more comparable to a choreographed dance than anything that would be practical in a self-defense situation. In the middle of this explanation, I got up from my seat and did a Kata pose, and told them "I can't do this in the middle of a fight, can I?" It was only after I struck the pose that I realize that these people didn't know what the fuck I was showing them. They didn't know what a Kata was. All they saw was me inexplicably getting up from my seat in the middle of a conversation and striking a pose for no good reason. The female interviewer right in front of me had this bewildered expression on her face that screamed "why the fuck did you just do that?".

To be clear, I was so nervous that I wasn't even talking straight. I wasn't so much "talking" as I was "incoherently mumbling to myself". Don't believe for a moment that I was speaking in full sentences at any point in this interview.

Do you know what the best part was? The crème de la crème? At some point in this interview, I thought that I should become more assertive and confident. Maybe I should channel someone I know. So I started scanning my brain for people who I thought were confident, which lead me to think about public speakers. Their whole job is to speak confidently in front of a large crowd. But I didn't know any public speakers, so what's the closest equivalent that I do know? Stand-up comedians. Who's a stand-up comedian that I like? Bill Burr.

Yup. Bill Burr. Out of all people.

So starting from some random point in the interview, I started to emulate the mannerisms, style of speaking, and body language of Bill fucking Burr.

It took me way too long to snap out of it and act like myself again. After the interview concluded and I exited the room, I could very clearly hear laughing and one of them saying "What was that!?" I decided to just go home straight away and cry into a pillow.

TL;DR I had to take a test for a competition in college that I ended up writing joke responses to on purpose. After taking the test, I had an interview where I was asked to explain the reasoning behind my answers. This led to the most painfully embarrassing and humiliating 10-15 minutes of my life, which ultimately ended with me going home and crying myself to sleep.



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theedgeofoblivious t1_j90qntb wrote

Well, look, on the plus side, maybe you could turn this all into a standup routine and become famous from it.


scwall t1_j90ylov wrote

This went differently to what I was expecting.

Back in "ye olde days," I submitted a joke application to a visual effects house. They reached out to me and asked me if I'd be interested in coming in for an in person interview. I chickened out and politely declined.

Yeah, that was Weta Digital...

... just before Lord of the Rings happened...



CaffeinatedHBIC t1_j90qr6h wrote

Sounds like r/TrueOffMyChest is where you belong lol

I've had cringe things happen in my life, but this was physically painful to read. In the immortal words of Zuko



-holdmyhand t1_j90voi4 wrote

>In the middle of this explanation, I got up from my seat and did a Kata pose, and told them "I can't do this in the middle of a fight, can I?" It was only after I struck the pose that I realize that these people didn't know what the fuck I was showing them.

If I was the interviewer, I would think that you're that dude who watched too much Steven Seagal's movies. Thanks for the laugh, dude!


Stormry t1_j9297k1 wrote

If they took the time to tell you that you weren't funny, then I'd wager these were a buncha dipshit soon-to-be middle managers that get off on feeling superior to people paid to follow their directions and will never contribute anything of value to any organization besides warming a seat, and they just wanted to practice shitty antagonistic interviewing techniques.

Fuck them.


OhScheisse t1_j930pxf wrote

Yeah, it feels like they brought him on to make fun of him and make him sweat. I'm glad OP was all in.


penderhippy t1_j90tlv5 wrote

also if this were me i would just own and i wouldnt cringe at all


this would be my absolute go to story for everyone and in any situation

instant ice breaker

i mean its just gold, pure gold


Pandalite t1_j91nzuh wrote

Dude, the thoughts racing in your head about your past mistakes, keeping you up at night- I know that Reddit says "therapy" for pretty much everything, but that's because a lot of Redditors have social anxiety. Are you ok bud? Do you have someone you're working on for this?

In terms of mistakes, what helps me sometimes, is 1) acknowledging that boy I royally fucked up in the past, and 2) the past is what makes me a better person today. It's a learning experience to use as a stepping stone to become who I want to be, who I'm trying to be, with a lot of help and support from those around me who love me. There's a degree of self-love in there; I recognize that I'm valuable and that my past mistakes, while super cringe, are not changeable, but my present and future are. There's a degree of reflection there too; who did you really hurt in that scenario? So you gave your interviewers a laugh. Did any of them get hurt by it? No. Even if you hurt someone, you can't fix the fact that you hurt them, but you can make amends, and make sure not to do it again in the future.


penderhippy t1_j90t1g0 wrote

damn son that was rough


but well written, i second the try to put in a standup act idea


Superpe0n t1_j926mgs wrote

See this would’ve been your opportunity. You answered the test with seemingly joke responses.. why? for the sheer fuckery of it. because you can. then you take those answers and you own them.

I’m the 40 year old virgin. I’ve dedicated my life to my work and taking care of my family, I have not had chances to meet someone I want to share a bed with. But you can bet when I do meet that someone, they’re going to have a good 30 seconds of explosive sex.

Egg and the feather? If I can direct your attention to poorly drawn cartoon exhibit A, I attempted to illustrate that unless in a vacuum, air resistance will likely affect the feather falling in comparison with the egg.

Bill Burr? I am a fan so allow me to share his perspective because to me this is not yelling. Im passionate about my opinions and I need you to understand that.

For the sheer fuckery.


OkCandy1970 t1_j92pq41 wrote

Honestly, your story is hilarious and you should just laugh about yourself. Own it, tell it to other people - its not cribge, its relatable.

You have my deep respect. When someone seriously would ask me to describe myself with a movie title and then wonder about my question - it would be hard to not say that a dumb question requires dumb answers. Instead you were topping it.

This story sounds more like you made fun out of the interviewers and the whole process than embarassing yourself.


pinekneedle t1_j91439h wrote

Sigh. Some day this story will be less cringe and you will be able to laugh at your younger awkward self. We all have those moments but yours is hard to top


EndlessLadyDelerium t1_j91s33b wrote

I'm fairly sure they knew what they were doing by choosing you. They probably had berry's going on how far through the interview you would make it.


IdiotsThrowaway1373 t1_j91x00v wrote

I’m still in highschool but I do joke answers a lot too because my teachers like them. Well, one of my joke answers for good coping mechanisms was “assassinate politicians”. That wasn’t a fun talk


Jomary56 t1_j95h79k wrote

I don't usually browse this subreddit, but this shit was the FUNNIEST thing I have read in a while. Holy shit bro..... I laughed so hard.... especially during the karate part and the Bill Burr impression. Your thought process was the funniest thing of all.

To be honest though, don't worry OP. You might be embarrassed, but if I was an interviewer I simply would have laughed and remembered you as a hilarious candidate. What happened wasn't really cringe, just really absurd and funny.

They were evil for saying your logic wasn't funny though. That was uncalled for.


skippyspk t1_j92w0f5 wrote

So…you were part of a psy-op.


Fast_Profit_2212 t1_j93i472 wrote

Thank you for this post, OP. I’ve had a really shitty day and you have cheered me up! You sound like a great person and you definitely know how to make someone laugh out loud even, if it is to your misfortune.