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DiggyMcGriz t1_j4vc0aa wrote

Best of luck.

I'm not one of those "It's unfilmable!" guys but there's a reason a lot of really great Zelazny has remained unadapted. All of his stuff is like adaptation hard mode. A lot of his big moments or plot twists hinge upon you not really having access to the visuals. It's a lot of prose fuckery.

Especially if they're going the series route, I imagine they're going to be taking a LOT of liberties with the source material.

But... if it works, they're geniuses. If it doesn't work, then it was obviously a terrible idea from the start. All sins are forgiven if it's *good*.

Anyway, I love (the first half) of all the Amber stuff. I'll be rooting for this not to suck. Good luck!