Submitted by Heraldsquare t3_10osehc in television

I started rewatching TW recently after many years. I loved the first couple of seasons, but it went downhill IMO during or after S3. Watching in hindsight now (skipping around), they did seem to favor the police side a little more (esp B/Y) even in the beginning. However, by S4 it became an all out cop show and eliminated what I liked about it. It wasn’t even about working the beat anymore, it became cartoonish. I’ve never seen a show abandon it’s entire premise midway like that and wondered why the drastic change? Ratings, they couldn’t write FDNY/EMT? I even googled but couldn’t find anything.
For me the heart of the show was more the EMT/firemen side. I was sad when Bobby C. left, he was charismatic and could’ve been developed more, but the way things played out it was the right choice to leave. The dramatic and depressing way they phased out some of the FDNY side was low and clearly ratings bait. What they did to Doc was particularly horrible and MB was the only actor I knew when I started watching. The way the show changed was kind of a slap in the face to the actors who were hired to have equal roles and then just discarded. I’m glad the actors in the FDNY roles went onto bigger and better things. Interestingly enough, most of the NYPD actors on the NYPD side disappeared. Thought Wile would have had a bigger career though.

Loved all the original characters. Hated Cruz and the outlandish plots that were the last few seasons. Wish they would’ve stayed true to the original premise of the show. Not surprised it was canceled during S6.



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HPmoni t1_j6hd916 wrote

I hate that you're calling it an old show.

But yes. It became a cop show in the final seasons.

Doc spiraled downward. Hated it to.


mickeyflinn t1_j6hmoof wrote

They changed direction because wasn't getting good ratings. I agree with you. The first two seasons it was cool in how it was all the various first responders.

On another note the actor who played Bosco is now doing a series of adds for Dr Pepper called "Fansville". It is funny seeing him doing those.


Heraldsquare OP t1_j6ip2bt wrote

It’s pretty old now and not sure a lot of people remember/heard of it. I don’t think its been in heavy syndication either.

Anyway... yeah, as I’m rewatching I have the same disappointment as I did originally when they started getting rid of the FDNY characters. If anyone deserved a happy ending, it was Doc:(


Heraldsquare OP t1_j6iq98k wrote

Yeah, the first couple of seasons were great. I assumed the ratings were at least decent at first since it kept getting renewed. Do you know if it dropped or improved in 4-5? I assume 6 was dreadful and that’s why they finally pulled the plug.

I just checked out the commercials. Ha.. I have never seen any of them. Jason Wiles looks great, it was nice seeing him.


BeefSupremeTA t1_j6mnofg wrote

I love the show and it took several years before I was able to get a good quality copy of the seasons.

From memory, I read costs were too high so they had to trim costs, which meant reducing cast size.


chameleonmessiah t1_j6njmpc wrote

Not directly relevant but the main thing I remember about Third Watch was the episode where one of the doctors from E.R. went there to look for her sister & niece & was riding around with Bosco for a bit, I think.

I remember going back & trying to watch it but being early naughts that was rather more difficult & I never really got into it… Seemed like there was just a bit too much to really handle though & maybe that as well is ultimately why they went more police-focused later on.


sweetpeapickle t1_j6oesiz wrote

I think the poster meant, you calling it old, means we're all getting old. 24 years ago-wow. ER is still in reruns on POP, & considering TW was spun off from that-surprised POP hasn't put it into rotation with it.