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Defiant63 t1_j6nosbz wrote

I haven't seen all the ones you've listed, but of the ones I have seen, Last of Us Ep3 is the best hour of TV I've ever watched.


magus-21 t1_j6np0ro wrote

Battlestar Galactica, "33"

Just factoring in when it came out (i.e. before this era of prestige TV) as well as the budgetary limitations of the network that released it (SyFy), it's remarkable how good of an episode it was. And it still holds up today as one of the best in scifi.


Kylon1138 t1_j6np5np wrote

The Leftovers - International Assassin episode

Black Mirror - San Junipero


TittySuckBootyFuck t1_j6npsr1 wrote

Midnight Sun- Attack on Titan. No intro, no ending, barely any action throughout the entire episode, yet it’s arguably the most engaging episode of the series just with dialogue.


bongokhrusha t1_j6npx7k wrote

for me it is “the end “ of lost . just 2 hours of pure satisfying character conclusions .


AgentOfSPYRAL t1_j6nqief wrote

“The Suitcase” from Mad Men will always be mine. Some other candidates….

Ozymandias from BB

Rains from GoT

Pilot of Friday Night Lights

Pilot of BSG

Ron and Leslie, Parks and Rec

Chicanery, BCS

Dinner Party, The Office

Slap Bet, HIMYM

The Colonel, Americans

Remedial Chaos Theory, Community


GiltCityUSA t1_j6nqjtr wrote

In recent years, 'Sweet Tooth' episode 1 was pretty close to perfect.

All downhill from there.

Obviously episode 3 of 'Last of Us' was unbelievable as well.


MN-Jess t1_j6nr2va wrote

Love your pick of MR. Robot 4x07 Proxy Authentication Required, but imma go with a different episode in the same series.

3x08 Don't Delete Me


wildadragon t1_j6nrk3y wrote

Avatar: The Last Airbender "The Tales of Ba Sing Se"


Bolthead44 t1_j6nrr5p wrote

Old school: Buffy The Vampire Slayer “Hush” or “The Body.”

More recently, Severance “The We We Are” (s1 finale) and The Bear “Review” (s1, e7).


quangtran t1_j6nrs3c wrote

Lost - "Walkabout"

I have many favourite episode for this show, but this is probably the ep I'll use to sell any newbie onto watching the show.


BogeyBogeyBogey t1_j6nrv5l wrote

It won't be mentioned much compared to other things everyone will list, but I have to give a shout out to one of the best episodes of a show I ever saw.

AEW Dynamite - The Brodie Lee Tribute Episode "Brodie Lee - Celebration of Life" from Dec 30th, 2020.

It was touching. It was cathartic for everyone involved and those watching. It was incredibly heartwarming, kind, and sweet. It allowed na entire community to mourn and celebrate together in unison.

I'll probably never watch it, again, but damn if it wasn't just the perfect episode of AEW at a time when it was needed. The thing went above and beyond.


james_carr9876 t1_j6ns41m wrote

Lost - Through the looking glass, The constant

The walking dead - Here’s not here

Doctor Who - Blink, Heaven sent

Community - Modern warfare


j3434 t1_j6ntz2w wrote

The Twilight Zone ….. Eye of the Beholder


Star Trek - The Trouble with Tribbles


mickeyflinn t1_j6ntzme wrote

I don't have one I have a list of them:

  • MASH: Abyssinia, Henry
  • STNG: The Best of Both Worlds Part I and II
  • Breaking Bad: The Fly
  • Halt and Catch Fire: Goodwill
  • ER: Love's Labor Lost
  • GOT: The Rains of Castamere and The Battle of The Bastards
  • South Park: Make Love, Not Warcraft
  • Band of Brothers: Day of Days

Darko33 t1_j6nu30r wrote

Middle Ground, S3E11 of The Wire


Archamasse t1_j6nu3by wrote

Black Mirror's San Junipero, imho, is better than a lot of movies that have won bagfuls of awards. The writing is knockout, the cast are terrific (and at the time, came out of nowhere to me) and aesthetically and tonally and thematically it grabbed hold of me like little else.

I would love to see it on a theatre screen.


flowerpanes t1_j6nu93r wrote

“Home”, X-Files. Perfect stand-alone episode, the creepiest and saddest piece of horror in modern day tv.


echoes007 t1_j6nurlq wrote

My family was out of town, so I’d figure I’d take some edibles and enjoy the latest episode of Twin Peaks. As the edible started kicking in, the episode started. The first 10-15 min were typical Peaks, but as the episode cuts to the past and shows the atomic bomb sequence, I was just glued to the couch and couldn’t believe what I was watching. Definitely one of the greatest episodes/experiences I’ve ever had.


tagen t1_j6nx38b wrote

Awww slap bet is one of my favorite parts of HIMYM. The initial episode is great, but i also love how it’s just hanging over Barney’s head in other episodes (especially the Thanksgiving ones)

And i like remedial chaos theory too! probably my favorite non-paintball episode


ChipHazard1 t1_j6nx3o0 wrote

1 - Exactly the same episode of Mr Robot

2- Pancakes, divorce, Pancakes - Review


jimjackcoke t1_j6nxhpl wrote

honorable mention to

Carol Burnett Went With the Wind & Mary Tyler Moore Chuckles Bites the Dust

for two all time TV Moments.

They dont make the best episodes lists when you look at the whole episode, and they are way overplayed so the moments are hard to hold up . But in an era of 3 channel tv these were two unforgettable moments.


AgentOfSPYRAL t1_j6nz0ed wrote

Hard agree on Contest and Bicameral Mind.

Unfortunately I haven’t seen Sopranos or Lost, I’ve kind of accepted I missed the moment on the latter, but the former is on my watchlist waiting for me to be in that mob/crime mood.


SGSTHB t1_j6nz8uc wrote

I can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet.

Scrubs, season 3, episode 14, "My Screw Up."

Go watch it. Then watch it a second time and appreciate how well the writers set everything up.


657653 t1_j6nzm0z wrote

The Shield - Family Meeting.


BelgianBond t1_j6o05yx wrote

I concur that Don't Delete Me was even better.

But not to start a trend, but I think 4.05-"Method Not Allowed" was better still. Season 4 of Mr Robot was episode for episode one of the most breathtaking seasons of TV I've had the pleasure of watching.


SkullLeader t1_j6o33rz wrote

Yeah, the little twist in that episode is probably what got me hooked on Lost. I could argue for other episodes of that show being the greatest single episode of TV ever, like The Constant, but Walkabout came first and stands as the greatest.


zozospencil t1_j6o3e8f wrote

Season 5, Episode 12, “Everyone’s Waiting” of Six Feet Under.

(I’m another that’s been weighing this question since watching TLOU e1s3 because that was one damn fine piece of television. Still in awe.)


Bojangles1987 t1_j6o3kxe wrote

My answer to this will always be Ozymandias from Breaking Bad. I've never seen an episode that tied together everything it has built up to across every season and let it all collapse at once like that. It was perfect.


SkullLeader t1_j6o3ztv wrote

Homeland - There's Something Else Going On


LightThatIgnitesAll t1_j6o432t wrote

Number 1 changes often maybe right now I feel that it's: The Leftovers - I Live Here Now

Honourable Mentions:

  • Attack on Titan - That Day and Midnight Sun

  • Band of Brothers - Bastogne

  • Game of Thrones - The Rains of Castamere

  • Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Avatar and The Fire Lord

  • Breaking Bad - Face Off

  • LOST - Exodus Part 3

  • Bojack Horseman - Free Churro or The View From Halfway Down

  • Heroes - Homecoming

  • Clannad: After Story - The Ends of the Earth

  • Supernatural - Swan Song


Bright_Beat_5981 t1_j6o453f wrote

Twin peaks the pilot. Game of thrones s2 ep9 blackwater. X files season 2 ep5 Duane Barry. Sopranos is my favourite show but I really cant choose there. I either have to mention none or 15 episodes.


MN-Jess t1_j6o4k3i wrote

I love what 4x05, and 3x05 for that matter, accomplish in terms of being unique episodes on the technical side. One being a no dialog episode & the other a faux 1 take. But they didn't pack that emotional punch that some other episodes in the series did.


x6ftundx t1_j6o5l51 wrote

The West Wing, In Excelsis Deo Season 1 Episode 10.


Jjexx t1_j6o74yo wrote

For me is The battle of the bastards from GoT.


Aupps t1_j6oawn4 wrote

Bob's Burgers - The Plight Before Christmas (S13 E10)


jwehr5828 t1_j6obqdf wrote

Since I was just reminiscing about it, "This Extraordinary Being" from Watchmen haunted me to my core.


Owasso_Landman t1_j6oeq5e wrote

I still dream of a world where the writers could have made 10 episode prestige TV instead of having to crank out 24 episodes a season. People always bitch “they didn’t have a plan and had too many loose ends” which I blame mostly on the need to fill that much air time.


Queasy_Turnover t1_j6oggno wrote

"Wait, they were dead the whole time?!?! They didn't even answer any questions! Why were there polar bears?!?! What a waste of time!"

I still see complaints like this to this day. It's unbelievable how many people watched that finale and managed to completely misinterpret the entire series based on it.


anasui1 t1_j6ois20 wrote

Edge of Darkness, "Northmoor". also, to me, the best miniserie ever made


Bazzie-Joots t1_j6oj4bo wrote

Any episode of true detective season 1. But most notably the pilot, and the biker episode with the tracking shot.


FlintFlames t1_j6ovsvh wrote

Attack on titan “Hero” imo and it really isn’t close. Ozymandias would have to be my second


[deleted] t1_j6p3tk3 wrote

"The Body" (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)

"Ozymandias" (Breaking Bad)

"Walking Distance" (The Twilight Zone)

"The Visitor" (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)


[deleted] t1_j6p569r wrote

This is an unpopular opinion here, but IMO it's "The Winds of Winter" from Game of Thrones.

There are many shows I like more overall, but when it comes to an individual episode they don't get much better.


nomorepartiezz t1_j6pjspu wrote

TLOU Episode 3 is in no way in the conversation for episode ever made imo. S3E17 and S4E19-21 from Attack on Titan are all better.

Id add Ozymandias from Breaking Bad (S5x14), Winds of Winter (S6E13) or The Rains of Castamere (Red Wedding) from Game of Thrones