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Roook36 t1_j6izpre wrote

Neither did I. But partly because that was my theory the whole time. So for me she just confirmed it. Never considered she might be lying until I looked online


WeDriftEternal t1_j6j41am wrote

The cool part is the writers basically have said she both is lying and is not lying and both are true. It’s just up to the audience to decide… although they have definite opinions internally.

They actually did want to shoot an episode on the other side with Nora but it was cut because they went from 10 eps to 8 in S3. The other episode would have been back in Jarden with Kevin’s kids. But they made it clear they did not shoot these and they are not shown to us… we got the story as is. So did she lie?


DrHalibutMD t1_j6jxazh wrote

It's not lying if she believes it, and in relation to the episode op is talking about and its direct follow up in season 3 dont we all still wonder if it really happened?

She might say it's the truth and even believe it's the truth but is it really? Is everything that happened in this episode real?


WeDriftEternal t1_j6jzoh7 wrote

Everything that happened in the episode was real... but if she is lying or not is the question


DrHalibutMD t1_j6kbmgg wrote

So was Kevin really in another world where he was the President and/or his identical twin brother? ...and if he told the story to you would you be able to believe him? That's the question to me, more than whether Nora is lying or not.

Her story may be a lie but how can Kevin think that given what he's experienced? Heck everyone in the world has experienced the craziness of the original disappearance how can you discount her story?

Was she lying? Telling the truth? Maybe, either way who am I to judge her experience.


WeDriftEternal t1_j6kby1b wrote

Kevin being president was a different episode. Everything in book of Nora was real. The Kevin episode probably isn’t real of course. But Noras is. There is a long standing thing about Nora not being able to lie… that is prior to the book of Nora where she gains the ability to. But she may or may not have decided to use it. She can lie now, but will she?


SoulCruizer t1_j6lwtu0 wrote

The stuff Kevin goes through is absolutely real. There’s characters and things we see in it that just don’t make sense why they’d be there if he was somehow dreaming.


VitaminTea t1_j6ly4id wrote

Define "real"


SoulCruizer t1_j6m1lfm wrote

In the sense that it did happen and there were higher powers at play.


VitaminTea t1_j6m20gl wrote

Happened where though? In his head? In an alternate dimension? Purgatory? The same "other side" that the people (and Nora) went to? Was he alive and teleported or dead and there?

I just think "real" is too finite a concept. Of course it did happen (we watched it!) but I don't know that it was real.


SoulCruizer t1_j6m60ij wrote

Let the mystery be. We don’t get the logistics of how it works but it was absolutely real. Maybe you’re having a different conversation here. My point is that whatever happened isn’t some figment or dream where “it was all in is head” or doesn’t have some tangibility. When he died he was very much transported somewhere and this same place is where the guy who says he’s god was also transported and there’s actually other characters that mention the place. Who knows what it truly is but it very much is real.